All patients who qualify for Full term neonate with major problems will be automatically grouped into DRG 793 - FULL TERM NEONATE WITH MAJOR PROBLEMS.
View the requirements to qualify for this subsection.
DRG | Name | Type |
The tables below list the codes required to qualify for this subsection according to the logic listed above. By matching the codes on a patient's account to those listed below, you can work out how a patient will be grouped by the MS-DRG grouper. However, sometimes this can be difficult to work out by hand. If you are looking for automated DRG grouping software that can be integrated into your workflow, please let us know.
Code | Description |
E84.11 |
Meconium ileus in cystic fibrosis |
P03.4 |
Newborn affected by Cesarean delivery |
P05.11 |
Newborn small for gestational age, less than 500 grams |
P05.12 |
Newborn small for gestational age, 500-749 grams |
P05.13 |
Newborn small for gestational age, 750-999 grams |
P05.14 |
Newborn small for gestational age, 1000-1249 grams |
P05.15 |
Newborn small for gestational age, 1250-1499 grams |
P05.16 |
Newborn small for gestational age, 1500-1749 grams |
P05.17 |
Newborn small for gestational age, 1750-1999 grams |
P05.2 |
Newborn affected by fetal (intrauterine) malnutrition not light or small for gestational age |
P10.0 |
Subdural hemorrhage due to birth injury |
P10.1 |
Cerebral hemorrhage due to birth injury |
P10.2 |
Intraventricular hemorrhage due to birth injury |
P10.3 |
Subarachnoid hemorrhage due to birth injury |
P10.4 |
Tentorial tear due to birth injury |
P10.8 |
Other intracranial lacerations and hemorrhages due to birth injury |
P10.9 |
Unspecified intracranial laceration and hemorrhage due to birth injury |
P11.0 |
Cerebral edema due to birth injury |
P11.2 |
Unspecified brain damage due to birth injury |
P11.4 |
Birth injury to other cranial nerves |
P11.5 |
Birth injury to spine and spinal cord |
P11.9 |
Birth injury to central nervous system, unspecified |
P12.2 |
Epicranial subaponeurotic hemorrhage due to birth injury |
P14.2 |
Phrenic nerve paralysis due to birth injury |
P14.8 |
Birth injuries to other parts of peripheral nervous system |
P14.9 |
Birth injury to peripheral nervous system, unspecified |
P23.0 |
Congenital pneumonia due to viral agent |
P23.1 |
Congenital pneumonia due to Chlamydia |
P23.2 |
Congenital pneumonia due to staphylococcus |
P23.3 |
Congenital pneumonia due to streptococcus, group B |
P23.4 |
Congenital pneumonia due to Escherichia coli |
P23.5 |
Congenital pneumonia due to Pseudomonas |
P23.6 |
Congenital pneumonia due to other bacterial agents |
P23.8 |
Congenital pneumonia due to other organisms |
P23.9 |
Congenital pneumonia, unspecified |
P24.00 |
Meconium aspiration without respiratory symptoms |
P24.01 |
Meconium aspiration with respiratory symptoms |
P24.10 |
Neonatal aspiration of (clear) amniotic fluid and mucus without respiratory symptoms |
P24.11 |
Neonatal aspiration of (clear) amniotic fluid and mucus with respiratory symptoms |
P24.20 |
Neonatal aspiration of blood without respiratory symptoms |
P24.21 |
Neonatal aspiration of blood with respiratory symptoms |
P24.30 |
Neonatal aspiration of milk and regurgitated food without respiratory symptoms |
P24.31 |
Neonatal aspiration of milk and regurgitated food with respiratory symptoms |
P24.80 |
Other neonatal aspiration without respiratory symptoms |
P24.81 |
Other neonatal aspiration with respiratory symptoms |
P24.9 |
Neonatal aspiration, unspecified |
P25.0 |
Interstitial emphysema originating in the perinatal period |
P25.1 |
Pneumothorax originating in the perinatal period |
P25.2 |
Pneumomediastinum originating in the perinatal period |
P25.3 |
Pneumopericardium originating in the perinatal period |
P25.8 |
Other conditions related to interstitial emphysema originating in the perinatal period |
P26.0 |
Tracheobronchial hemorrhage originating in the perinatal period |
P26.1 |
Massive pulmonary hemorrhage originating in the perinatal period |
P26.8 |
Other pulmonary hemorrhages originating in the perinatal period |
P26.9 |
Unspecified pulmonary hemorrhage originating in the perinatal period |
P28.0 |
Primary atelectasis of newborn |
P28.5 |
Respiratory failure of newborn |
P29.30 |
Pulmonary hypertension of newborn |
P29.38 |
Other persistent fetal circulation |
P29.81 |
Cardiac arrest of newborn |
P35.0 |
Congenital rubella syndrome |
P35.1 |
Congenital cytomegalovirus infection |
P35.2 |
Congenital herpesviral [herpes simplex] infection |
P35.3 |
Congenital viral hepatitis |
P35.4 |
Congenital Zika virus disease |
P35.8 |
Other congenital viral diseases |
P35.9 |
Congenital viral disease, unspecified |
P36.0 |
Sepsis of newborn due to streptococcus, group B |
P36.10 |
Sepsis of newborn due to unspecified streptococci |
P36.19 |
Sepsis of newborn due to other streptococci |
P36.2 |
Sepsis of newborn due to Staphylococcus aureus |
P36.30 |
Sepsis of newborn due to unspecified staphylococci |
P36.39 |
Sepsis of newborn due to other staphylococci |
P36.4 |
Sepsis of newborn due to Escherichia coli |
P36.5 |
Sepsis of newborn due to anaerobes |
P36.8 |
Other bacterial sepsis of newborn |
P36.9 |
Bacterial sepsis of newborn, unspecified |
P37.0 |
Congenital tuberculosis |
P37.1 |
Congenital toxoplasmosis |
P37.2 |
Neonatal (disseminated) listeriosis |
P37.3 |
Congenital falciparum malaria |
P37.4 |
Other congenital malaria |
P37.8 |
Other specified congenital infectious and parasitic diseases |
P37.9 |
Congenital infectious or parasitic disease, unspecified |
P38.1 |
Omphalitis with mild hemorrhage |
P38.9 |
Omphalitis without hemorrhage |
P39.0 |
Neonatal infective mastitis |
P39.2 |
Intra-amniotic infection affecting newborn, not elsewhere classified |
P39.3 |
Neonatal urinary tract infection |
P39.4 |
Neonatal skin infection |
P39.8 |
Other specified infections specific to the perinatal period |
P39.9 |
Infection specific to the perinatal period, unspecified |
P50.0 |
Newborn affected by intrauterine (fetal) blood loss from vasa previa |
P50.1 |
Newborn affected by intrauterine (fetal) blood loss from ruptured cord |
P50.2 |
Newborn affected by intrauterine (fetal) blood loss from placenta |
P50.3 |
Newborn affected by hemorrhage into co-twin |
P50.4 |
Newborn affected by hemorrhage into maternal circulation |
P50.5 |
Newborn affected by intrauterine (fetal) blood loss from cut end of co-twin's cord |
P50.8 |
Newborn affected by other intrauterine (fetal) blood loss |
P50.9 |
Newborn affected by intrauterine (fetal) blood loss, unspecified |
P52.0 |
Intraventricular (nontraumatic) hemorrhage, grade 1, of newborn |
P52.1 |
Intraventricular (nontraumatic) hemorrhage, grade 2, of newborn |
P52.21 |
Intraventricular (nontraumatic) hemorrhage, grade 3, of newborn |
P52.22 |
Intraventricular (nontraumatic) hemorrhage, grade 4, of newborn |
P52.3 |
Unspecified intraventricular (nontraumatic) hemorrhage of newborn |
P52.4 |
Intracerebral (nontraumatic) hemorrhage of newborn |
P52.5 |
Subarachnoid (nontraumatic) hemorrhage of newborn |
P52.6 |
Cerebellar (nontraumatic) and posterior fossa hemorrhage of newborn |
P52.8 |
Other intracranial (nontraumatic) hemorrhages of newborn |
P52.9 |
Intracranial (nontraumatic) hemorrhage of newborn, unspecified |
P53 |
Hemorrhagic disease of newborn |
P54.1 |
Neonatal melena |
P54.2 |
Neonatal rectal hemorrhage |
P54.3 |
Other neonatal gastrointestinal hemorrhage |
P54.4 |
Neonatal adrenal hemorrhage |
P55.8 |
Other hemolytic diseases of newborn |
P55.9 |
Hemolytic disease of newborn, unspecified |
P56.0 |
Hydrops fetalis due to isoimmunization |
P56.90 |
Hydrops fetalis due to unspecified hemolytic disease |
P56.99 |
Hydrops fetalis due to other hemolytic disease |
P57.0 |
Kernicterus due to isoimmunization |
P57.8 |
Other specified kernicterus |
P57.9 |
Kernicterus, unspecified |
P59.1 |
Inspissated bile syndrome |
P59.20 |
Neonatal jaundice from unspecified hepatocellular damage |
P59.29 |
Neonatal jaundice from other hepatocellular damage |
P60 |
Disseminated intravascular coagulation of newborn |
P61.0 |
Transient neonatal thrombocytopenia |
P61.2 |
Anemia of prematurity |
P61.6 |
Other transient neonatal disorders of coagulation |
P70.2 |
Neonatal diabetes mellitus |
P70.3 |
Iatrogenic neonatal hypoglycemia |
P70.4 |
Other neonatal hypoglycemia |
P71.0 |
Cow's milk hypocalcemia in newborn |
P71.1 |
Other neonatal hypocalcemia |
P71.2 |
Neonatal hypomagnesemia |
P71.3 |
Neonatal tetany without calcium or magnesium deficiency |
P71.4 |
Transitory neonatal hypoparathyroidism |
P71.8 |
Other transitory neonatal disorders of calcium and magnesium metabolism |
P71.9 |
Transitory neonatal disorder of calcium and magnesium metabolism, unspecified |
P72.1 |
Transitory neonatal hyperthyroidism |
P74.0 |
Late metabolic acidosis of newborn |
P74.1 |
Dehydration of newborn |
P74.21 |
Hypernatremia of newborn |
P74.22 |
Hyponatremia of newborn |
P74.31 |
Hyperkalemia of newborn |
P74.32 |
Hypokalemia of newborn |
P74.421 |
Hyperchloremia of newborn |
P74.422 |
Hypochloremia of newborn |
P74.49 |
Other transitory electrolyte disturbance of newborn |
P76.0 |
Meconium plug syndrome |
P76.2 |
Intestinal obstruction due to inspissated milk |
P77.1 |
Stage 1 necrotizing enterocolitis in newborn |
P77.2 |
Stage 2 necrotizing enterocolitis in newborn |
P77.3 |
Stage 3 necrotizing enterocolitis in newborn |
P77.9 |
Necrotizing enterocolitis in newborn, unspecified |
P78.0 |
Perinatal intestinal perforation |
P83.2 |
Hydrops fetalis not due to hemolytic disease |
P90 |
Convulsions of newborn |
P91.0 |
Neonatal cerebral ischemia |
P91.1 |
Acquired periventricular cysts of newborn |
P91.3 |
Neonatal cerebral irritability |
P91.4 |
Neonatal cerebral depression |
P91.5 |
Neonatal coma |
P91.62 |
Moderate hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy [HIE] |
P91.63 |
Severe hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy [HIE] |
P91.811 |
Neonatal encephalopathy in diseases classified elsewhere |
P91.819 |
Neonatal encephalopathy, unspecified |
P91.821 |
Neonatal cerebral infarction, right side of brain |
P91.822 |
Neonatal cerebral infarction, left side of brain |
P91.823 |
Neonatal cerebral infarction, bilateral |
P91.829 |
Neonatal cerebral infarction, unspecified side |
P91.88 |
Other specified disturbances of cerebral status of newborn |
P91.9 |
Disturbance of cerebral status of newborn, unspecified |
P92.01 |
Bilious vomiting of newborn |
P93.0 |
Grey baby syndrome |
P93.8 |
Other reactions and intoxications due to drugs administered to newborn |
P94.0 |
Transient neonatal myasthenia gravis |
P96.1 |
Neonatal withdrawal symptoms from maternal use of drugs of addiction |
P96.2 |
Withdrawal symptoms from therapeutic use of drugs in newborn |
Code | Description |
A35 |
Other tetanus |
A39.1 |
Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome |
A39.50 |
Meningococcal carditis, unspecified |
A39.51 |
Meningococcal endocarditis |
A39.52 |
Meningococcal myocarditis |
A39.53 |
Meningococcal pericarditis |
A39.82 |
Meningococcal retrobulbar neuritis |
A39.83 |
Meningococcal arthritis |
A39.84 |
Postmeningococcal arthritis |
A40.9 |
Streptococcal sepsis, unspecified |
A41.01 |
Sepsis due to Methicillin susceptible Staphylococcus aureus |
A41.02 |
Sepsis due to Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus |
A41.1 |
Sepsis due to other specified staphylococcus |
A41.2 |
Sepsis due to unspecified staphylococcus |
A41.3 |
Sepsis due to Hemophilus influenzae |
A41.4 |
Sepsis due to anaerobes |
A41.50 |
Gram-negative sepsis, unspecified |
A41.51 |
Sepsis due to Escherichia coli [E. coli] |
A41.52 |
Sepsis due to Pseudomonas |
A41.53 |
Sepsis due to Serratia |
A41.54 |
Sepsis due to Acinetobacter baumannii |
A41.59 |
Other Gram-negative sepsis |
A41.81 |
Sepsis due to Enterococcus |
A41.89 |
Other specified sepsis |
A41.9 |
Sepsis, unspecified organism |
A42.7 |
Actinomycotic sepsis |
A48.0 |
Gas gangrene |
A48.1 |
Legionnaires' disease |
A48.51 |
Infant botulism |
A81.1 |
Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis |
B00.0 |
Eczema herpeticum |
B00.1 |
Herpesviral vesicular dermatitis |
B00.2 |
Herpesviral gingivostomatitis and pharyngotonsillitis |
B00.3 |
Herpesviral meningitis |
B00.4 |
Herpesviral encephalitis |
B00.50 |
Herpesviral ocular disease, unspecified |
B00.51 |
Herpesviral iridocyclitis |
B00.52 |
Herpesviral keratitis |
B00.53 |
Herpesviral conjunctivitis |
B00.59 |
Other herpesviral disease of eye |
B00.7 |
Disseminated herpesviral disease |
B00.81 |
Herpesviral hepatitis |
B00.89 |
Other herpesviral infection |
B01.0 |
Varicella meningitis |
B01.11 |
Varicella encephalitis and encephalomyelitis |
B01.2 |
Varicella pneumonia |
B01.81 |
Varicella keratitis |
B01.89 |
Other varicella complications |
B01.9 |
Varicella without complication |
B02.0 |
Zoster encephalitis |
B02.1 |
Zoster meningitis |
B02.21 |
Postherpetic geniculate ganglionitis |
B02.22 |
Postherpetic trigeminal neuralgia |
B02.23 |
Postherpetic polyneuropathy |
B02.29 |
Other postherpetic nervous system involvement |
B02.30 |
Zoster ocular disease, unspecified |
B02.31 |
Zoster conjunctivitis |
B02.32 |
Zoster iridocyclitis |
B02.33 |
Zoster keratitis |
B02.34 |
Zoster scleritis |
B02.39 |
Other herpes zoster eye disease |
B02.7 |
Disseminated zoster |
B02.8 |
Zoster with other complications |
B02.9 |
Zoster without complications |
B05.0 |
Measles complicated by encephalitis |
B05.1 |
Measles complicated by meningitis |
B05.2 |
Measles complicated by pneumonia |
B05.3 |
Measles complicated by otitis media |
B05.4 |
Measles with intestinal complications |
B05.81 |
Measles keratitis and keratoconjunctivitis |
B05.89 |
Other measles complications |
B06.00 |
Rubella with neurological complication, unspecified |
B06.01 |
Rubella encephalitis |
B06.02 |
Rubella meningitis |
B06.09 |
Other neurological complications of rubella |
B06.81 |
Rubella pneumonia |
B06.82 |
Rubella arthritis |
B06.89 |
Other rubella complications |
B08.20 |
Exanthema subitum [sixth disease], unspecified |
B08.21 |
Exanthema subitum [sixth disease] due to human herpesvirus 6 |
B08.22 |
Exanthema subitum [sixth disease] due to human herpesvirus 7 |
B10.01 |
Human herpesvirus 6 encephalitis |
B10.09 |
Other human herpesvirus encephalitis |
B16.0 |
Acute hepatitis B with delta-agent with hepatic coma |
B16.1 |
Acute hepatitis B with delta-agent without hepatic coma |
B16.2 |
Acute hepatitis B without delta-agent with hepatic coma |
B16.9 |
Acute hepatitis B without delta-agent and without hepatic coma |
B17.0 |
Acute delta-(super) infection of hepatitis B carrier |
B17.10 |
Acute hepatitis C without hepatic coma |
B17.11 |
Acute hepatitis C with hepatic coma |
B17.2 |
Acute hepatitis E |
B17.8 |
Other specified acute viral hepatitis |
B17.9 |
Acute viral hepatitis, unspecified |
B18.0 |
Chronic viral hepatitis B with delta-agent |
B18.1 |
Chronic viral hepatitis B without delta-agent |
B18.2 |
Chronic viral hepatitis C |
B18.8 |
Other chronic viral hepatitis |
B18.9 |
Chronic viral hepatitis, unspecified |
B19.0 |
Unspecified viral hepatitis with hepatic coma |
B19.10 |
Unspecified viral hepatitis B without hepatic coma |
B19.11 |
Unspecified viral hepatitis B with hepatic coma |
B19.9 |
Unspecified viral hepatitis without hepatic coma |
B25.2 |
Cytomegaloviral pancreatitis |
B26.0 |
Mumps orchitis |
B26.1 |
Mumps meningitis |
B26.2 |
Mumps encephalitis |
B26.3 |
Mumps pancreatitis |
B26.81 |
Mumps hepatitis |
B26.82 |
Mumps myocarditis |
B26.83 |
Mumps nephritis |
B26.84 |
Mumps polyneuropathy |
B26.85 |
Mumps arthritis |
B26.89 |
Other mumps complications |
B37.1 |
Pulmonary candidiasis |
B37.5 |
Candidal meningitis |
B37.6 |
Candidal endocarditis |
B37.81 |
Candidal esophagitis |
B37.82 |
Candidal enteritis |
B37.84 |
Candidal otitis externa |
B38.4 |
Coccidioidomycosis meningitis |
B38.7 |
Disseminated coccidioidomycosis |
B38.89 |
Other forms of coccidioidomycosis |
B39.0 |
Acute pulmonary histoplasmosis capsulati |
B39.1 |
Chronic pulmonary histoplasmosis capsulati |
B39.2 |
Pulmonary histoplasmosis capsulati, unspecified |
B40.0 |
Acute pulmonary blastomycosis |
B40.1 |
Chronic pulmonary blastomycosis |
B40.2 |
Pulmonary blastomycosis, unspecified |
B40.3 |
Cutaneous blastomycosis |
B40.7 |
Disseminated blastomycosis |
B40.81 |
Blastomycotic meningoencephalitis |
B40.89 |
Other forms of blastomycosis |
B40.9 |
Blastomycosis, unspecified |
B41.0 |
Pulmonary paracoccidioidomycosis |
B41.7 |
Disseminated paracoccidioidomycosis |
B41.8 |
Other forms of paracoccidioidomycosis |
B41.9 |
Paracoccidioidomycosis, unspecified |
B44.1 |
Other pulmonary aspergillosis |
B44.2 |
Tonsillar aspergillosis |
B44.7 |
Disseminated aspergillosis |
B44.89 |
Other forms of aspergillosis |
B44.9 |
Aspergillosis, unspecified |
B45.0 |
Pulmonary cryptococcosis |
B45.1 |
Cerebral cryptococcosis |
B45.2 |
Cutaneous cryptococcosis |
B45.3 |
Osseous cryptococcosis |
B45.7 |
Disseminated cryptococcosis |
B45.8 |
Other forms of cryptococcosis |
B45.9 |
Cryptococcosis, unspecified |
B46.0 |
Pulmonary mucormycosis |
B46.1 |
Rhinocerebral mucormycosis |
B46.2 |
Gastrointestinal mucormycosis |
B46.3 |
Cutaneous mucormycosis |
B46.4 |
Disseminated mucormycosis |
B46.5 |
Mucormycosis, unspecified |
B46.8 |
Other zygomycoses |
B46.9 |
Zygomycosis, unspecified |
B47.0 |
Eumycetoma |
B48.2 |
Allescheriasis |
B48.4 |
Penicillosis |
B48.8 |
Other specified mycoses |
B58.00 |
Toxoplasma oculopathy, unspecified |
B58.01 |
Toxoplasma chorioretinitis |
B58.09 |
Other toxoplasma oculopathy |
B58.1 |
Toxoplasma hepatitis |
B58.2 |
Toxoplasma meningoencephalitis |
B58.3 |
Pulmonary toxoplasmosis |
B58.81 |
Toxoplasma myocarditis |
B58.82 |
Toxoplasma myositis |
B58.83 |
Toxoplasma tubulo-interstitial nephropathy |
B58.89 |
Toxoplasmosis with other organ involvement |
B59 |
Pneumocystosis |
B97.4 |
Respiratory syncytial virus as the cause of diseases classified elsewhere |
D56.0 |
Alpha thalassemia |
D56.1 |
Beta thalassemia |
D56.2 |
Delta-beta thalassemia |
D56.5 |
Hemoglobin E-beta thalassemia |
D56.8 |
Other thalassemias |
D56.9 |
Thalassemia, unspecified |
D57.40 |
Sickle-cell thalassemia without crisis |
D57.411 |
Sickle-cell thalassemia, unspecified, with acute chest syndrome |
D57.412 |
Sickle-cell thalassemia, unspecified, with splenic sequestration |
D57.413 |
Sickle-cell thalassemia, unspecified, with cerebral vascular involvement |
D57.414 |
Sickle-cell thalassemia, unspecified, with dactylitis |
D57.418 |
Sickle-cell thalassemia, unspecified, with crisis with other specified complication |
D57.419 |
Sickle-cell thalassemia, unspecified, with crisis |
D57.42 |
Sickle-cell thalassemia beta zero without crisis |
D57.431 |
Sickle-cell thalassemia beta zero with acute chest syndrome |
D57.432 |
Sickle-cell thalassemia beta zero with splenic sequestration |
D57.433 |
Sickle-cell thalassemia beta zero with cerebral vascular involvement |
D57.434 |
Sickle-cell thalassemia beta zero with dactylitis |
D57.438 |
Sickle-cell thalassemia beta zero with crisis with other specified complication |
D57.439 |
Sickle-cell thalassemia beta zero with crisis, unspecified |
D57.44 |
Sickle-cell thalassemia beta plus without crisis |
D57.451 |
Sickle-cell thalassemia beta plus with acute chest syndrome |
D57.452 |
Sickle-cell thalassemia beta plus with splenic sequestration |
D57.453 |
Sickle-cell thalassemia beta plus with cerebral vascular involvement |
D57.454 |
Sickle-cell thalassemia beta plus with dactylitis |
D57.458 |
Sickle-cell thalassemia beta plus with crisis with other specified complication |
D57.459 |
Sickle-cell thalassemia beta plus with crisis, unspecified |
D59.2 |
Drug-induced nonautoimmune hemolytic anemia |
D59.30 |
Hemolytic-uremic syndrome, unspecified |
D59.31 |
Infection-associated hemolytic-uremic syndrome |
D59.32 |
Hereditary hemolytic-uremic syndrome |
D59.39 |
Other hemolytic-uremic syndrome |
D59.4 |
Other nonautoimmune hemolytic anemias |
D59.5 |
Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria [Marchiafava-Micheli] |
D59.6 |
Hemoglobinuria due to hemolysis from other external causes |
D59.8 |
Other acquired hemolytic anemias |
D59.9 |
Acquired hemolytic anemia, unspecified |
D62 |
Acute posthemorrhagic anemia |
D65 |
Disseminated intravascular coagulation [defibrination syndrome] |
D69.51 |
Posttransfusion purpura |
D69.59 |
Other secondary thrombocytopenia |
D75.821 |
Non-immune heparin-induced thrombocytopenia |
D75.822 |
Immune-mediated heparin-induced thrombocytopenia |
D75.828 |
Other heparin-induced thrombocytopenia syndrome |
D75.829 |
Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia, unspecified |
D75.84 |
Other platelet-activating anti-PF4 disorders |
D78.11 |
Accidental puncture and laceration of the spleen during a procedure on the spleen |
D78.12 |
Accidental puncture and laceration of the spleen during other procedure |
E03.5 |
Myxedema coma |
E15 |
Nondiabetic hypoglycemic coma |
E20.0 |
Idiopathic hypoparathyroidism |
E20.810 |
Autosomal dominant hypocalcemia |
E20.811 |
Secondary hypoparathyroidism in diseases classified elsewhere |
E20.812 |
Autoimmune hypoparathyroidism |
E20.818 |
Other specified hypoparathyroidism due to impaired parathyroid hormone secretion |
E20.819 |
Hypoparathyroidism due to impaired parathyroid hormone secretion, unspecified |
E20.89 |
Other specified hypoparathyroidism |
E20.9 |
Hypoparathyroidism, unspecified |
E23.2 |
Diabetes insipidus |
E32.1 |
Abscess of thymus |
E36.11 |
Accidental puncture and laceration of an endocrine system organ or structure during an endocrine system procedure |
E36.12 |
Accidental puncture and laceration of an endocrine system organ or structure during other procedure |
E41 |
Nutritional marasmus |
E43 |
Unspecified severe protein-calorie malnutrition |
E44.0 |
Moderate protein-calorie malnutrition |
E44.1 |
Mild protein-calorie malnutrition |
E46 |
Unspecified protein-calorie malnutrition |
E64.0 |
Sequelae of protein-calorie malnutrition |
E86.0 |
Dehydration |
E86.1 |
Hypovolemia |
E86.9 |
Volume depletion, unspecified |
E87.0 |
Hyperosmolality and hypernatremia |
E87.1 |
Hypo-osmolality and hyponatremia |
E87.20 |
Acidosis, unspecified |
E87.21 |
Acute metabolic acidosis |
E87.22 |
Chronic metabolic acidosis |
E87.29 |
Other acidosis |
E87.3 |
Alkalosis |
E87.4 |
Mixed disorder of acid-base balance |
E87.5 |
Hyperkalemia |
E87.6 |
Hypokalemia |
E87.70 |
Fluid overload, unspecified |
E87.71 |
Transfusion associated circulatory overload |
E87.79 |
Other fluid overload |
E87.8 |
Other disorders of electrolyte and fluid balance, not elsewhere classified |
E88.3 |
Tumor lysis syndrome |
E89.2 |
Postprocedural hypoparathyroidism |
F11.13 |
Opioid abuse with withdrawal |
F11.23 |
Opioid dependence with withdrawal |
F11.93 |
Opioid use, unspecified with withdrawal |
F13.130 |
Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse with withdrawal, uncomplicated |
F13.131 |
Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse with withdrawal delirium |
F13.132 |
Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse with withdrawal with perceptual disturbance |
F13.139 |
Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse with withdrawal, unspecified |
F13.230 |
Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence with withdrawal, uncomplicated |
F13.231 |
Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence with withdrawal delirium |
F13.232 |
Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence with withdrawal with perceptual disturbance |
F13.239 |
Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence with withdrawal, unspecified |
F13.930 |
Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic use, unspecified with withdrawal, uncomplicated |
F13.931 |
Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic use, unspecified with withdrawal delirium |
F13.932 |
Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic use, unspecified with withdrawal with perceptual disturbances |
F13.939 |
Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic use, unspecified with withdrawal, unspecified |
F14.13 |
Cocaine abuse, unspecified with withdrawal |
F14.23 |
Cocaine dependence with withdrawal |
F14.93 |
Cocaine use, unspecified with withdrawal |
F15.13 |
Other stimulant abuse with withdrawal |
F15.23 |
Other stimulant dependence with withdrawal |
F15.93 |
Other stimulant use, unspecified with withdrawal |
F17.203 |
Nicotine dependence unspecified, with withdrawal |
F17.213 |
Nicotine dependence, cigarettes, with withdrawal |
F17.223 |
Nicotine dependence, chewing tobacco, with withdrawal |
F17.293 |
Nicotine dependence, other tobacco product, with withdrawal |
F19.130 |
Other psychoactive substance abuse with withdrawal, uncomplicated |
F19.131 |
Other psychoactive substance abuse with withdrawal delirium |
F19.132 |
Other psychoactive substance abuse with withdrawal with perceptual disturbance |
F19.139 |
Other psychoactive substance abuse with withdrawal, unspecified |
F19.230 |
Other psychoactive substance dependence with withdrawal, uncomplicated |
F19.231 |
Other psychoactive substance dependence with withdrawal delirium |
F19.232 |
Other psychoactive substance dependence with withdrawal with perceptual disturbance |
F19.239 |
Other psychoactive substance dependence with withdrawal, unspecified |
F19.930 |
Other psychoactive substance use, unspecified with withdrawal, uncomplicated |
F19.931 |
Other psychoactive substance use, unspecified with withdrawal delirium |
F19.932 |
Other psychoactive substance use, unspecified with withdrawal with perceptual disturbance |
F19.939 |
Other psychoactive substance use, unspecified with withdrawal, unspecified |
G00.0 |
Hemophilus meningitis |
G00.1 |
Pneumococcal meningitis |
G00.2 |
Streptococcal meningitis |
G00.3 |
Staphylococcal meningitis |
G00.8 |
Other bacterial meningitis |
G00.9 |
Bacterial meningitis, unspecified |
G01 |
Meningitis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere |
G02 |
Meningitis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
G03.0 |
Nonpyogenic meningitis |
G03.8 |
Meningitis due to other specified causes |
G03.9 |
Meningitis, unspecified |
G04.2 |
Bacterial meningoencephalitis and meningomyelitis, not elsewhere classified |
G06.0 |
Intracranial abscess and granuloma |
G06.1 |
Intraspinal abscess and granuloma |
G06.2 |
Extradural and subdural abscess, unspecified |
G07 |
Intracranial and intraspinal abscess and granuloma in diseases classified elsewhere |
G90.1 |
Familial dysautonomia [Riley-Day] |
G90.A |
Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome [POTS] |
G92.00 |
Immune effector cell-associated neurotoxicity syndrome, grade unspecified |
G92.01 |
Immune effector cell-associated neurotoxicity syndrome, grade 1 |
G92.02 |
Immune effector cell-associated neurotoxicity syndrome, grade 2 |
G92.03 |
Immune effector cell-associated neurotoxicity syndrome, grade 3 |
G92.04 |
Immune effector cell-associated neurotoxicity syndrome, grade 4 |
G92.05 |
Immune effector cell-associated neurotoxicity syndrome, grade 5 |
G92.8 |
Other toxic encephalopathy |
G92.9 |
Unspecified toxic encephalopathy |
G93.1 |
Anoxic brain damage, not elsewhere classified |
G96.00 |
Cerebrospinal fluid leak, unspecified |
G96.01 |
Cranial cerebrospinal fluid leak, spontaneous |
G96.02 |
Spinal cerebrospinal fluid leak, spontaneous |
G96.08 |
Other cranial cerebrospinal fluid leak |
G96.09 |
Other spinal cerebrospinal fluid leak |
G96.11 |
Dural tear |
G97.0 |
Cerebrospinal fluid leak from spinal puncture |
G97.1 |
Other reaction to spinal and lumbar puncture |
G97.2 |
Intracranial hypotension following ventricular shunting |
G97.41 |
Accidental puncture or laceration of dura during a procedure |
G97.48 |
Accidental puncture and laceration of other nervous system organ or structure during a nervous system procedure |
G97.49 |
Accidental puncture and laceration of other nervous system organ or structure during other procedure |
G97.81 |
Other intraoperative complications of nervous system |
G97.82 |
Other postprocedural complications and disorders of nervous system |
G97.83 |
Intracranial hypotension following lumbar cerebrospinal fluid shunting |
G97.84 |
Intracranial hypotension following other procedure |
H47.10 |
Unspecified papilledema |
H47.11 |
Papilledema associated with increased intracranial pressure |
H47.12 |
Papilledema associated with decreased ocular pressure |
H59.211 |
Accidental puncture and laceration of right eye and adnexa during an ophthalmic procedure |
H59.212 |
Accidental puncture and laceration of left eye and adnexa during an ophthalmic procedure |
H59.213 |
Accidental puncture and laceration of eye and adnexa during an ophthalmic procedure, bilateral |
H59.219 |
Accidental puncture and laceration of unspecified eye and adnexa during an ophthalmic procedure |
H59.221 |
Accidental puncture and laceration of right eye and adnexa during other procedure |
H59.222 |
Accidental puncture and laceration of left eye and adnexa during other procedure |
H59.223 |
Accidental puncture and laceration of eye and adnexa during other procedure, bilateral |
H59.229 |
Accidental puncture and laceration of unspecified eye and adnexa during other procedure |
H70.011 |
Subperiosteal abscess of mastoid, right ear |
H70.012 |
Subperiosteal abscess of mastoid, left ear |
H70.013 |
Subperiosteal abscess of mastoid, bilateral |
H70.019 |
Subperiosteal abscess of mastoid, unspecified ear |
H70.811 |
Postauricular fistula, right ear |
H70.812 |
Postauricular fistula, left ear |
H70.813 |
Postauricular fistula, bilateral |
H70.819 |
Postauricular fistula, unspecified ear |
H95.31 |
Accidental puncture and laceration of the ear and mastoid process during a procedure on the ear and mastoid process |
H95.32 |
Accidental puncture and laceration of the ear and mastoid process during other procedure |
I09.81 |
Rheumatic heart failure |
I11.0 |
Hypertensive heart disease with heart failure |
I13.0 |
Hypertensive heart and chronic kidney disease with heart failure and stage 1 through stage 4 chronic kidney disease, or unspecified chronic kidney disease |
I13.2 |
Hypertensive heart and chronic kidney disease with heart failure and with stage 5 chronic kidney disease, or end stage renal disease |
I25.3 |
Aneurysm of heart |
I26.01 |
Septic pulmonary embolism with acute cor pulmonale |
I26.02 |
Saddle embolus of pulmonary artery with acute cor pulmonale |
I26.09 |
Other pulmonary embolism with acute cor pulmonale |
I26.90 |
Septic pulmonary embolism without acute cor pulmonale |
I26.92 |
Saddle embolus of pulmonary artery without acute cor pulmonale |
I26.93 |
Single subsegmental pulmonary embolism without acute cor pulmonale |
I26.94 |
Multiple subsegmental pulmonary emboli without acute cor pulmonale |
I26.99 |
Other pulmonary embolism without acute cor pulmonale |
I27.82 |
Chronic pulmonary embolism |
I31.2 |
Hemopericardium, not elsewhere classified |
I32 |
Pericarditis in diseases classified elsewhere |
I33.0 |
Acute and subacute infective endocarditis |
I33.9 |
Acute and subacute endocarditis, unspecified |
I38 |
Endocarditis, valve unspecified |
I39 |
Endocarditis and heart valve disorders in diseases classified elsewhere |
I40.0 |
Infective myocarditis |
I41 |
Myocarditis in diseases classified elsewhere |
I43 |
Cardiomyopathy in diseases classified elsewhere |
I44.2 |
Atrioventricular block, complete |
I45.2 |
Bifascicular block |
I45.3 |
Trifascicular block |
I45.6 |
Pre-excitation syndrome |
I45.89 |
Other specified conduction disorders |
I46.2 |
Cardiac arrest due to underlying cardiac condition |
I46.8 |
Cardiac arrest due to other underlying condition |
I46.9 |
Cardiac arrest, cause unspecified |
I47.0 |
Re-entry ventricular arrhythmia |
I47.20 |
Ventricular tachycardia, unspecified |
I47.21 |
Torsades de pointes |
I47.29 |
Other ventricular tachycardia |
I48.0 |
Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation |
I48.19 |
Other persistent atrial fibrillation |
I48.21 |
Permanent atrial fibrillation |
I48.3 |
Typical atrial flutter |
I48.4 |
Atypical atrial flutter |
I48.91 |
Unspecified atrial fibrillation |
I48.92 |
Unspecified atrial flutter |
I49.01 |
Ventricular fibrillation |
I49.02 |
Ventricular flutter |
I50.1 |
Left ventricular failure, unspecified |
I50.20 |
Unspecified systolic (congestive) heart failure |
I50.21 |
Acute systolic (congestive) heart failure |
I50.22 |
Chronic systolic (congestive) heart failure |
I50.23 |
Acute on chronic systolic (congestive) heart failure |
I50.30 |
Unspecified diastolic (congestive) heart failure |
I50.31 |
Acute diastolic (congestive) heart failure |
I50.32 |
Chronic diastolic (congestive) heart failure |
I50.33 |
Acute on chronic diastolic (congestive) heart failure |
I50.40 |
Unspecified combined systolic (congestive) and diastolic (congestive) heart failure |
I50.41 |
Acute combined systolic (congestive) and diastolic (congestive) heart failure |
I50.42 |
Chronic combined systolic (congestive) and diastolic (congestive) heart failure |
I50.43 |
Acute on chronic combined systolic (congestive) and diastolic (congestive) heart failure |
I50.810 |
Right heart failure, unspecified |
I50.811 |
Acute right heart failure |
I50.812 |
Chronic right heart failure |
I50.813 |
Acute on chronic right heart failure |
I50.814 |
Right heart failure due to left heart failure |
I50.82 |
Biventricular heart failure |
I50.83 |
High output heart failure |
I50.84 |
End stage heart failure |
I50.89 |
Other heart failure |
I50.9 |
Heart failure, unspecified |
I60.00 |
Nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage from unspecified carotid siphon and bifurcation |
I60.01 |
Nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage from right carotid siphon and bifurcation |
I60.02 |
Nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage from left carotid siphon and bifurcation |
I60.10 |
Nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage from unspecified middle cerebral artery |
I60.11 |
Nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage from right middle cerebral artery |
I60.12 |
Nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage from left middle cerebral artery |
I60.2 |
Nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage from anterior communicating artery |
I60.30 |
Nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage from unspecified posterior communicating artery |
I60.31 |
Nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage from right posterior communicating artery |
I60.32 |
Nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage from left posterior communicating artery |
I60.4 |
Nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage from basilar artery |
I60.50 |
Nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage from unspecified vertebral artery |
I60.51 |
Nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage from right vertebral artery |
I60.52 |
Nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage from left vertebral artery |
I60.6 |
Nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage from other intracranial arteries |
I60.7 |
Nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage from unspecified intracranial artery |
I60.8 |
Other nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage |
I60.9 |
Nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage, unspecified |
I61.0 |
Nontraumatic intracerebral hemorrhage in hemisphere, subcortical |
I61.1 |
Nontraumatic intracerebral hemorrhage in hemisphere, cortical |
I61.2 |
Nontraumatic intracerebral hemorrhage in hemisphere, unspecified |
I61.3 |
Nontraumatic intracerebral hemorrhage in brain stem |
I61.4 |
Nontraumatic intracerebral hemorrhage in cerebellum |
I61.5 |
Nontraumatic intracerebral hemorrhage, intraventricular |
I61.6 |
Nontraumatic intracerebral hemorrhage, multiple localized |
I61.8 |
Other nontraumatic intracerebral hemorrhage |
I61.9 |
Nontraumatic intracerebral hemorrhage, unspecified |
I62.00 |
Nontraumatic subdural hemorrhage, unspecified |
I62.01 |
Nontraumatic acute subdural hemorrhage |
I62.02 |
Nontraumatic subacute subdural hemorrhage |
I62.03 |
Nontraumatic chronic subdural hemorrhage |
I62.1 |
Nontraumatic extradural hemorrhage |
I62.9 |
Nontraumatic intracranial hemorrhage, unspecified |
I63.00 |
Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of unspecified precerebral artery |
I63.011 |
Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of right vertebral artery |
I63.012 |
Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of left vertebral artery |
I63.013 |
Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of bilateral vertebral arteries |
I63.019 |
Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of unspecified vertebral artery |
I63.02 |
Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of basilar artery |
I63.031 |
Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of right carotid artery |
I63.032 |
Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of left carotid artery |
I63.033 |
Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of bilateral carotid arteries |
I63.039 |
Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of unspecified carotid artery |
I63.09 |
Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of other precerebral artery |
I63.10 |
Cerebral infarction due to embolism of unspecified precerebral artery |
I63.111 |
Cerebral infarction due to embolism of right vertebral artery |
I63.112 |
Cerebral infarction due to embolism of left vertebral artery |
I63.113 |
Cerebral infarction due to embolism of bilateral vertebral arteries |
I63.119 |
Cerebral infarction due to embolism of unspecified vertebral artery |
I63.12 |
Cerebral infarction due to embolism of basilar artery |
I63.131 |
Cerebral infarction due to embolism of right carotid artery |
I63.132 |
Cerebral infarction due to embolism of left carotid artery |
I63.133 |
Cerebral infarction due to embolism of bilateral carotid arteries |
I63.139 |
Cerebral infarction due to embolism of unspecified carotid artery |
I63.19 |
Cerebral infarction due to embolism of other precerebral artery |
I63.20 |
Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of unspecified precerebral arteries |
I63.211 |
Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of right vertebral artery |
I63.212 |
Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of left vertebral artery |
I63.213 |
Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of bilateral vertebral arteries |
I63.219 |
Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of unspecified vertebral artery |
I63.22 |
Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of basilar artery |
I63.231 |
Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of right carotid arteries |
I63.232 |
Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of left carotid arteries |
I63.233 |
Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of bilateral carotid arteries |
I63.239 |
Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of unspecified carotid artery |
I63.29 |
Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of other precerebral arteries |
I63.30 |
Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of unspecified cerebral artery |
I63.311 |
Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of right middle cerebral artery |
I63.312 |
Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of left middle cerebral artery |
I63.313 |
Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of bilateral middle cerebral arteries |
I63.319 |
Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of unspecified middle cerebral artery |
I63.321 |
Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of right anterior cerebral artery |
I63.322 |
Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of left anterior cerebral artery |
I63.323 |
Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of bilateral anterior cerebral arteries |
I63.329 |
Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of unspecified anterior cerebral artery |
I63.331 |
Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of right posterior cerebral artery |
I63.332 |
Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of left posterior cerebral artery |
I63.333 |
Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of bilateral posterior cerebral arteries |
I63.339 |
Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of unspecified posterior cerebral artery |
I63.341 |
Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of right cerebellar artery |
I63.342 |
Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of left cerebellar artery |
I63.343 |
Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of bilateral cerebellar arteries |
I63.349 |
Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of unspecified cerebellar artery |
I63.39 |
Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of other cerebral artery |
I63.40 |
Cerebral infarction due to embolism of unspecified cerebral artery |
I63.411 |
Cerebral infarction due to embolism of right middle cerebral artery |
I63.412 |
Cerebral infarction due to embolism of left middle cerebral artery |
I63.413 |
Cerebral infarction due to embolism of bilateral middle cerebral arteries |
I63.419 |
Cerebral infarction due to embolism of unspecified middle cerebral artery |
I63.421 |
Cerebral infarction due to embolism of right anterior cerebral artery |
I63.422 |
Cerebral infarction due to embolism of left anterior cerebral artery |
I63.423 |
Cerebral infarction due to embolism of bilateral anterior cerebral arteries |
I63.429 |
Cerebral infarction due to embolism of unspecified anterior cerebral artery |
I63.431 |
Cerebral infarction due to embolism of right posterior cerebral artery |
I63.432 |
Cerebral infarction due to embolism of left posterior cerebral artery |
I63.433 |
Cerebral infarction due to embolism of bilateral posterior cerebral arteries |
I63.439 |
Cerebral infarction due to embolism of unspecified posterior cerebral artery |
I63.441 |
Cerebral infarction due to embolism of right cerebellar artery |
I63.442 |
Cerebral infarction due to embolism of left cerebellar artery |
I63.443 |
Cerebral infarction due to embolism of bilateral cerebellar arteries |
I63.449 |
Cerebral infarction due to embolism of unspecified cerebellar artery |
I63.49 |
Cerebral infarction due to embolism of other cerebral artery |
I63.50 |
Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of unspecified cerebral artery |
I63.511 |
Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of right middle cerebral artery |
I63.512 |
Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of left middle cerebral artery |
I63.513 |
Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of bilateral middle cerebral arteries |
I63.519 |
Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of unspecified middle cerebral artery |
I63.521 |
Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of right anterior cerebral artery |
I63.522 |
Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of left anterior cerebral artery |
I63.523 |
Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of bilateral anterior cerebral arteries |
I63.529 |
Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of unspecified anterior cerebral artery |
I63.531 |
Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of right posterior cerebral artery |
I63.532 |
Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of left posterior cerebral artery |
I63.533 |
Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of bilateral posterior cerebral arteries |
I63.539 |
Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of unspecified posterior cerebral artery |
I63.541 |
Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of right cerebellar artery |
I63.542 |
Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of left cerebellar artery |
I63.543 |
Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of bilateral cerebellar arteries |
I63.549 |
Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of unspecified cerebellar artery |
I63.59 |
Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of other cerebral artery |
I63.6 |
Cerebral infarction due to cerebral venous thrombosis, nonpyogenic |
I63.81 |
Other cerebral infarction due to occlusion or stenosis of small artery |
I63.89 |
Other cerebral infarction |
I63.9 |
Cerebral infarction, unspecified |
I66.01 |
Occlusion and stenosis of right middle cerebral artery |
I66.02 |
Occlusion and stenosis of left middle cerebral artery |
I66.03 |
Occlusion and stenosis of bilateral middle cerebral arteries |
I66.09 |
Occlusion and stenosis of unspecified middle cerebral artery |
I66.11 |
Occlusion and stenosis of right anterior cerebral artery |
I66.12 |
Occlusion and stenosis of left anterior cerebral artery |
I66.13 |
Occlusion and stenosis of bilateral anterior cerebral arteries |
I66.19 |
Occlusion and stenosis of unspecified anterior cerebral artery |
I66.21 |
Occlusion and stenosis of right posterior cerebral artery |
I66.22 |
Occlusion and stenosis of left posterior cerebral artery |
I66.23 |
Occlusion and stenosis of bilateral posterior cerebral arteries |
I66.29 |
Occlusion and stenosis of unspecified posterior cerebral artery |
I66.3 |
Occlusion and stenosis of cerebellar arteries |
I66.8 |
Occlusion and stenosis of other cerebral arteries |
I66.9 |
Occlusion and stenosis of unspecified cerebral artery |
I70.261 |
Atherosclerosis of native arteries of extremities with gangrene, right leg |
I70.262 |
Atherosclerosis of native arteries of extremities with gangrene, left leg |
I70.263 |
Atherosclerosis of native arteries of extremities with gangrene, bilateral legs |
I70.268 |
Atherosclerosis of native arteries of extremities with gangrene, other extremity |
I70.269 |
Atherosclerosis of native arteries of extremities with gangrene, unspecified extremity |
I74.01 |
Saddle embolus of abdominal aorta |
I74.09 |
Other arterial embolism and thrombosis of abdominal aorta |
I74.10 |
Embolism and thrombosis of unspecified parts of aorta |
I74.11 |
Embolism and thrombosis of thoracic aorta |
I74.19 |
Embolism and thrombosis of other parts of aorta |
I74.2 |
Embolism and thrombosis of arteries of the upper extremities |
I74.3 |
Embolism and thrombosis of arteries of the lower extremities |
I74.4 |
Embolism and thrombosis of arteries of extremities, unspecified |
I74.5 |
Embolism and thrombosis of iliac artery |
I74.8 |
Embolism and thrombosis of other arteries |
I74.9 |
Embolism and thrombosis of unspecified artery |
I76 |
Septic arterial embolism |
I80.10 |
Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of unspecified femoral vein |
I80.11 |
Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of right femoral vein |
I80.12 |
Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of left femoral vein |
I80.13 |
Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of femoral vein, bilateral |
I80.201 |
Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of unspecified deep vessels of right lower extremity |
I80.202 |
Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of unspecified deep vessels of left lower extremity |
I80.203 |
Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of unspecified deep vessels of lower extremities, bilateral |
I80.209 |
Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of unspecified deep vessels of unspecified lower extremity |
I80.211 |
Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of right iliac vein |
I80.212 |
Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of left iliac vein |
I80.213 |
Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of iliac vein, bilateral |
I80.219 |
Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of unspecified iliac vein |
I80.221 |
Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of right popliteal vein |
I80.222 |
Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of left popliteal vein |
I80.223 |
Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of popliteal vein, bilateral |
I80.229 |
Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of unspecified popliteal vein |
I80.231 |
Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of right tibial vein |
I80.232 |
Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of left tibial vein |
I80.233 |
Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of tibial vein, bilateral |
I80.239 |
Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of unspecified tibial vein |
I80.241 |
Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of right peroneal vein |
I80.242 |
Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of left peroneal vein |
I80.243 |
Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of peroneal vein, bilateral |
I80.249 |
Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of unspecified peroneal vein |
I80.251 |
Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of right calf muscular vein |
I80.252 |
Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of left calf muscular vein |
I80.253 |
Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of calf muscular vein, bilateral |
I80.259 |
Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of unspecified calf muscular vein |
I80.291 |
Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of other deep vessels of right lower extremity |
I80.292 |
Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of other deep vessels of left lower extremity |
I80.293 |
Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of other deep vessels of lower extremity, bilateral |
I80.299 |
Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of other deep vessels of unspecified lower extremity |
I80.3 |
Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of lower extremities, unspecified |
I82.220 |
Acute embolism and thrombosis of inferior vena cava |
I82.221 |
Chronic embolism and thrombosis of inferior vena cava |
I89.1 |
Lymphangitis |
I96 |
Gangrene, not elsewhere classified |
I97.0 |
Postcardiotomy syndrome |
I97.110 |
Postprocedural cardiac insufficiency following cardiac surgery |
I97.111 |
Postprocedural cardiac insufficiency following other surgery |
I97.120 |
Postprocedural cardiac arrest following cardiac surgery |
I97.121 |
Postprocedural cardiac arrest following other surgery |
I97.130 |
Postprocedural heart failure following cardiac surgery |
I97.131 |
Postprocedural heart failure following other surgery |
I97.190 |
Other postprocedural cardiac functional disturbances following cardiac surgery |
I97.191 |
Other postprocedural cardiac functional disturbances following other surgery |
I97.51 |
Accidental puncture and laceration of a circulatory system organ or structure during a circulatory system procedure |
I97.52 |
Accidental puncture and laceration of a circulatory system organ or structure during other procedure |
I97.710 |
Intraoperative cardiac arrest during cardiac surgery |
I97.711 |
Intraoperative cardiac arrest during other surgery |
I97.790 |
Other intraoperative cardiac functional disturbances during cardiac surgery |
I97.791 |
Other intraoperative cardiac functional disturbances during other surgery |
I97.88 |
Other intraoperative complications of the circulatory system, not elsewhere classified |
I97.89 |
Other postprocedural complications and disorders of the circulatory system, not elsewhere classified |
J09.X1 |
Influenza due to identified novel influenza A virus with pneumonia |
J09.X2 |
Influenza due to identified novel influenza A virus with other respiratory manifestations |
J10.08 |
Influenza due to other identified influenza virus with other specified pneumonia |
J10.1 |
Influenza due to other identified influenza virus with other respiratory manifestations |
J13 |
Pneumonia due to Streptococcus pneumoniae |
J14 |
Pneumonia due to Hemophilus influenzae |
J15.0 |
Pneumonia due to Klebsiella pneumoniae |
J15.1 |
Pneumonia due to Pseudomonas |
J15.20 |
Pneumonia due to staphylococcus, unspecified |
J15.211 |
Pneumonia due to Methicillin susceptible Staphylococcus aureus |
J15.212 |
Pneumonia due to Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus |
J15.29 |
Pneumonia due to other staphylococcus |
J15.3 |
Pneumonia due to streptococcus, group B |
J15.4 |
Pneumonia due to other streptococci |
J15.5 |
Pneumonia due to Escherichia coli |
J15.61 |
Pneumonia due to Acinetobacter baumannii |
J15.69 |
Pneumonia due to other Gram-negative bacteria |
J15.7 |
Pneumonia due to Mycoplasma pneumoniae |
J15.8 |
Pneumonia due to other specified bacteria |
J15.9 |
Unspecified bacterial pneumonia |
J16.0 |
Chlamydial pneumonia |
J16.8 |
Pneumonia due to other specified infectious organisms |
J18.0 |
Bronchopneumonia, unspecified organism |
J18.1 |
Lobar pneumonia, unspecified organism |
J18.8 |
Other pneumonia, unspecified organism |
J18.9 |
Pneumonia, unspecified organism |
J38.00 |
Paralysis of vocal cords and larynx, unspecified |
J38.01 |
Paralysis of vocal cords and larynx, unilateral |
J38.02 |
Paralysis of vocal cords and larynx, bilateral |
J38.5 |
Laryngeal spasm |
J39.0 |
Retropharyngeal and parapharyngeal abscess |
J45.22 |
Mild intermittent asthma with status asthmaticus |
J45.32 |
Mild persistent asthma with status asthmaticus |
J45.42 |
Moderate persistent asthma with status asthmaticus |
J45.52 |
Severe persistent asthma with status asthmaticus |
J45.902 |
Unspecified asthma with status asthmaticus |
J69.0 |
Pneumonitis due to inhalation of food and vomit |
J69.8 |
Pneumonitis due to inhalation of other solids and liquids |
J70.0 |
Acute pulmonary manifestations due to radiation |
J81.0 |
Acute pulmonary edema |
J84.83 |
Surfactant mutations of the lung |
J84.841 |
Neuroendocrine cell hyperplasia of infancy |
J84.842 |
Pulmonary interstitial glycogenosis |
J84.843 |
Alveolar capillary dysplasia with vein misalignment |
J84.848 |
Other interstitial lung diseases of childhood |
J85.0 |
Gangrene and necrosis of lung |
J85.1 |
Abscess of lung with pneumonia |
J85.2 |
Abscess of lung without pneumonia |
J85.3 |
Abscess of mediastinum |
J86.0 |
Pyothorax with fistula |
J86.9 |
Pyothorax without fistula |
J90 |
Pleural effusion, not elsewhere classified |
J91.8 |
Pleural effusion in other conditions classified elsewhere |
J94.0 |
Chylous effusion |
J94.2 |
Hemothorax |
J94.8 |
Other specified pleural conditions |
J95.1 |
Acute pulmonary insufficiency following thoracic surgery |
J95.2 |
Acute pulmonary insufficiency following nonthoracic surgery |
J95.3 |
Chronic pulmonary insufficiency following surgery |
J95.4 |
Chemical pneumonitis due to anesthesia |
J95.5 |
Postprocedural subglottic stenosis |
J95.71 |
Accidental puncture and laceration of a respiratory system organ or structure during a respiratory system procedure |
J95.72 |
Accidental puncture and laceration of a respiratory system organ or structure during other procedure |
J95.851 |
Ventilator associated pneumonia |
J95.859 |
Other complication of respirator [ventilator] |
J95.87 |
Transfusion-associated dyspnea (TAD) |
J95.88 |
Other intraoperative complications of respiratory system, not elsewhere classified |
J95.89 |
Other postprocedural complications and disorders of respiratory system, not elsewhere classified |
J98.11 |
Atelectasis |
J98.19 |
Other pulmonary collapse |
J98.2 |
Interstitial emphysema |
J98.51 |
Mediastinitis |
J98.59 |
Other diseases of mediastinum, not elsewhere classified |
K22.3 |
Perforation of esophagus |
K31.0 |
Acute dilatation of stomach |
K40.00 |
Bilateral inguinal hernia, with obstruction, without gangrene, not specified as recurrent |
K40.10 |
Bilateral inguinal hernia, with gangrene, not specified as recurrent |
K40.30 |
Unilateral inguinal hernia, with obstruction, without gangrene, not specified as recurrent |
K40.40 |
Unilateral inguinal hernia, with gangrene, not specified as recurrent |
K41.00 |
Bilateral femoral hernia, with obstruction, without gangrene, not specified as recurrent |
K41.10 |
Bilateral femoral hernia, with gangrene, not specified as recurrent |
K41.30 |
Unilateral femoral hernia, with obstruction, without gangrene, not specified as recurrent |
K41.40 |
Unilateral femoral hernia, with gangrene, not specified as recurrent |
K42.0 |
Umbilical hernia with obstruction, without gangrene |
K42.1 |
Umbilical hernia with gangrene |
K43.0 |
Incisional hernia with obstruction, without gangrene |
K43.1 |
Incisional hernia with gangrene |
K43.3 |
Parastomal hernia with obstruction, without gangrene |
K43.4 |
Parastomal hernia with gangrene |
K43.6 |
Other and unspecified ventral hernia with obstruction, without gangrene |
K43.7 |
Other and unspecified ventral hernia with gangrene |
K44.0 |
Diaphragmatic hernia with obstruction, without gangrene |
K44.1 |
Diaphragmatic hernia with gangrene |
K45.0 |
Other specified abdominal hernia with obstruction, without gangrene |
K45.1 |
Other specified abdominal hernia with gangrene |
K46.0 |
Unspecified abdominal hernia with obstruction, without gangrene |
K46.1 |
Unspecified abdominal hernia with gangrene |
K52.1 |
Toxic gastroenteritis and colitis |
K55.011 |
Focal (segmental) acute (reversible) ischemia of small intestine |
K55.012 |
Diffuse acute (reversible) ischemia of small intestine |
K55.019 |
Acute (reversible) ischemia of small intestine, extent unspecified |
K55.021 |
Focal (segmental) acute infarction of small intestine |
K55.022 |
Diffuse acute infarction of small intestine |
K55.029 |
Acute infarction of small intestine, extent unspecified |
K55.031 |
Focal (segmental) acute (reversible) ischemia of large intestine |
K55.032 |
Diffuse acute (reversible) ischemia of large intestine |
K55.039 |
Acute (reversible) ischemia of large intestine, extent unspecified |
K55.041 |
Focal (segmental) acute infarction of large intestine |
K55.042 |
Diffuse acute infarction of large intestine |
K55.049 |
Acute infarction of large intestine, extent unspecified |
K55.051 |
Focal (segmental) acute (reversible) ischemia of intestine, part unspecified |
K55.052 |
Diffuse acute (reversible) ischemia of intestine, part unspecified |
K55.059 |
Acute (reversible) ischemia of intestine, part and extent unspecified |
K55.061 |
Focal (segmental) acute infarction of intestine, part unspecified |
K55.062 |
Diffuse acute infarction of intestine, part unspecified |
K55.069 |
Acute infarction of intestine, part and extent unspecified |
K55.30 |
Necrotizing enterocolitis, unspecified |
K55.31 |
Stage 1 necrotizing enterocolitis |
K55.32 |
Stage 2 necrotizing enterocolitis |
K55.33 |
Stage 3 necrotizing enterocolitis |
K56.0 |
Paralytic ileus |
K56.1 |
Intussusception |
K56.2 |
Volvulus |
K56.41 |
Fecal impaction |
K56.49 |
Other impaction of intestine |
K56.600 |
Partial intestinal obstruction, unspecified as to cause |
K56.601 |
Complete intestinal obstruction, unspecified as to cause |
K56.609 |
Unspecified intestinal obstruction, unspecified as to partial versus complete obstruction |
K56.690 |
Other partial intestinal obstruction |
K56.691 |
Other complete intestinal obstruction |
K56.699 |
Other intestinal obstruction unspecified as to partial versus complete obstruction |
K56.7 |
Ileus, unspecified |
K61.0 |
Anal abscess |
K61.1 |
Rectal abscess |
K61.2 |
Anorectal abscess |
K61.31 |
Horseshoe abscess |
K61.39 |
Other ischiorectal abscess |
K61.4 |
Intrasphincteric abscess |
K61.5 |
Supralevator abscess |
K62.5 |
Hemorrhage of anus and rectum |
K63.1 |
Perforation of intestine (nontraumatic) |
K65.0 |
Generalized (acute) peritonitis |
K65.1 |
Peritoneal abscess |
K65.2 |
Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis |
K65.3 |
Choleperitonitis |
K65.4 |
Sclerosing mesenteritis |
K65.8 |
Other peritonitis |
K65.9 |
Peritonitis, unspecified |
K66.1 |
Hemoperitoneum |
K67 |
Disorders of peritoneum in infectious diseases classified elsewhere |
K68.11 |
Postprocedural retroperitoneal abscess |
K68.12 |
Psoas muscle abscess |
K68.19 |
Other retroperitoneal abscess |
K68.2 |
Retroperitoneal fibrosis |
K68.3 |
Retroperitoneal hematoma |
K68.9 |
Other disorders of retroperitoneum |
K71.0 |
Toxic liver disease with cholestasis |
K71.10 |
Toxic liver disease with hepatic necrosis, without coma |
K71.11 |
Toxic liver disease with hepatic necrosis, with coma |
K71.2 |
Toxic liver disease with acute hepatitis |
K71.3 |
Toxic liver disease with chronic persistent hepatitis |
K71.4 |
Toxic liver disease with chronic lobular hepatitis |
K71.50 |
Toxic liver disease with chronic active hepatitis without ascites |
K71.51 |
Toxic liver disease with chronic active hepatitis with ascites |
K71.6 |
Toxic liver disease with hepatitis, not elsewhere classified |
K71.7 |
Toxic liver disease with fibrosis and cirrhosis of liver |
K71.8 |
Toxic liver disease with other disorders of liver |
K71.9 |
Toxic liver disease, unspecified |
K72.00 |
Acute and subacute hepatic failure without coma |
K72.01 |
Acute and subacute hepatic failure with coma |
K72.90 |
Hepatic failure, unspecified without coma |
K72.91 |
Hepatic failure, unspecified with coma |
K75.0 |
Abscess of liver |
K75.1 |
Phlebitis of portal vein |
K75.2 |
Nonspecific reactive hepatitis |
K75.3 |
Granulomatous hepatitis, not elsewhere classified |
K75.81 |
Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) |
K75.89 |
Other specified inflammatory liver diseases |
K75.9 |
Inflammatory liver disease, unspecified |
K76.2 |
Central hemorrhagic necrosis of liver |
K76.3 |
Infarction of liver |
K76.4 |
Peliosis hepatis |
K76.7 |
Hepatorenal syndrome |
K76.82 |
Hepatic encephalopathy |
K83.01 |
Primary sclerosing cholangitis |
K83.09 |
Other cholangitis |
K85.00 |
Idiopathic acute pancreatitis without necrosis or infection |
K85.01 |
Idiopathic acute pancreatitis with uninfected necrosis |
K85.02 |
Idiopathic acute pancreatitis with infected necrosis |
K85.10 |
Biliary acute pancreatitis without necrosis or infection |
K85.11 |
Biliary acute pancreatitis with uninfected necrosis |
K85.12 |
Biliary acute pancreatitis with infected necrosis |
K85.20 |
Alcohol induced acute pancreatitis without necrosis or infection |
K85.21 |
Alcohol induced acute pancreatitis with uninfected necrosis |
K85.22 |
Alcohol induced acute pancreatitis with infected necrosis |
K85.30 |
Drug induced acute pancreatitis without necrosis or infection |
K85.31 |
Drug induced acute pancreatitis with uninfected necrosis |
K85.32 |
Drug induced acute pancreatitis with infected necrosis |
K85.80 |
Other acute pancreatitis without necrosis or infection |
K85.81 |
Other acute pancreatitis with uninfected necrosis |
K85.82 |
Other acute pancreatitis with infected necrosis |
K85.90 |
Acute pancreatitis without necrosis or infection, unspecified |
K85.91 |
Acute pancreatitis with uninfected necrosis, unspecified |
K85.92 |
Acute pancreatitis with infected necrosis, unspecified |
K86.2 |
Cyst of pancreas |
K86.3 |
Pseudocyst of pancreas |
K91.2 |
Postsurgical malabsorption, not elsewhere classified |
K91.30 |
Postprocedural intestinal obstruction, unspecified as to partial versus complete |
K91.31 |
Postprocedural partial intestinal obstruction |
K91.32 |
Postprocedural complete intestinal obstruction |
K91.71 |
Accidental puncture and laceration of a digestive system organ or structure during a digestive system procedure |
K91.72 |
Accidental puncture and laceration of a digestive system organ or structure during other procedure |
K91.81 |
Other intraoperative complications of digestive system |
K91.82 |
Postprocedural hepatic failure |
K91.83 |
Postprocedural hepatorenal syndrome |
K91.850 |
Pouchitis |
K91.858 |
Other complications of intestinal pouch |
K91.86 |
Retained cholelithiasis following cholecystectomy |
K91.89 |
Other postprocedural complications and disorders of digestive system |
K92.0 |
Hematemesis |
K92.1 |
Melena |
K92.2 |
Gastrointestinal hemorrhage, unspecified |
L02.01 |
Cutaneous abscess of face |
L02.11 |
Cutaneous abscess of neck |
L02.211 |
Cutaneous abscess of abdominal wall |
L02.212 |
Cutaneous abscess of back [any part, except buttock] |
L02.213 |
Cutaneous abscess of chest wall |
L02.214 |
Cutaneous abscess of groin |
L02.215 |
Cutaneous abscess of perineum |
L02.216 |
Cutaneous abscess of umbilicus |
L02.219 |
Cutaneous abscess of trunk, unspecified |
L02.31 |
Cutaneous abscess of buttock |
L02.411 |
Cutaneous abscess of right axilla |
L02.412 |
Cutaneous abscess of left axilla |
L02.413 |
Cutaneous abscess of right upper limb |
L02.414 |
Cutaneous abscess of left upper limb |
L02.415 |
Cutaneous abscess of right lower limb |
L02.416 |
Cutaneous abscess of left lower limb |
L02.419 |
Cutaneous abscess of limb, unspecified |
L02.511 |
Cutaneous abscess of right hand |
L02.512 |
Cutaneous abscess of left hand |
L02.519 |
Cutaneous abscess of unspecified hand |
L02.611 |
Cutaneous abscess of right foot |
L02.612 |
Cutaneous abscess of left foot |
L02.619 |
Cutaneous abscess of unspecified foot |
L02.811 |
Cutaneous abscess of head [any part, except face] |
L02.818 |
Cutaneous abscess of other sites |
L02.91 |
Cutaneous abscess, unspecified |
L03.111 |
Cellulitis of right axilla |
L03.112 |
Cellulitis of left axilla |
L03.113 |
Cellulitis of right upper limb |
L03.114 |
Cellulitis of left upper limb |
L03.115 |
Cellulitis of right lower limb |
L03.116 |
Cellulitis of left lower limb |
L03.119 |
Cellulitis of unspecified part of limb |
L03.121 |
Acute lymphangitis of right axilla |
L03.122 |
Acute lymphangitis of left axilla |
L03.123 |
Acute lymphangitis of right upper limb |
L03.124 |
Acute lymphangitis of left upper limb |
L03.125 |
Acute lymphangitis of right lower limb |
L03.126 |
Acute lymphangitis of left lower limb |
L03.129 |
Acute lymphangitis of unspecified part of limb |
L03.211 |
Cellulitis of face |
L03.212 |
Acute lymphangitis of face |
L03.213 |
Periorbital cellulitis |
L03.221 |
Cellulitis of neck |
L03.222 |
Acute lymphangitis of neck |
L03.311 |
Cellulitis of abdominal wall |
L03.312 |
Cellulitis of back [any part except buttock] |
L03.313 |
Cellulitis of chest wall |
L03.314 |
Cellulitis of groin |
L03.315 |
Cellulitis of perineum |
L03.316 |
Cellulitis of umbilicus |
L03.317 |
Cellulitis of buttock |
L03.319 |
Cellulitis of trunk, unspecified |
L03.321 |
Acute lymphangitis of abdominal wall |
L03.322 |
Acute lymphangitis of back [any part except buttock] |
L03.323 |
Acute lymphangitis of chest wall |
L03.324 |
Acute lymphangitis of groin |
L03.325 |
Acute lymphangitis of perineum |
L03.326 |
Acute lymphangitis of umbilicus |
L03.327 |
Acute lymphangitis of buttock |
L03.329 |
Acute lymphangitis of trunk, unspecified |
L03.811 |
Cellulitis of head [any part, except face] |
L03.818 |
Cellulitis of other sites |
L03.891 |
Acute lymphangitis of head [any part, except face] |
L03.898 |
Acute lymphangitis of other sites |
L03.90 |
Cellulitis, unspecified |
L03.91 |
Acute lymphangitis, unspecified |
L04.0 |
Acute lymphadenitis of face, head and neck |
L04.1 |
Acute lymphadenitis of trunk |
L04.2 |
Acute lymphadenitis of upper limb |
L04.3 |
Acute lymphadenitis of lower limb |
L04.8 |
Acute lymphadenitis of other sites |
L04.9 |
Acute lymphadenitis, unspecified |
L27.0 |
Generalized skin eruption due to drugs and medicaments taken internally |
L27.1 |
Localized skin eruption due to drugs and medicaments taken internally |
L50.0 |
Allergic urticaria |
L53.0 |
Toxic erythema |
L53.1 |
Erythema annulare centrifugum |
L53.2 |
Erythema marginatum |
L53.3 |
Other chronic figurate erythema |
L76.11 |
Accidental puncture and laceration of skin and subcutaneous tissue during a dermatologic procedure |
L76.12 |
Accidental puncture and laceration of skin and subcutaneous tissue during other procedure |
L98.3 |
Eosinophilic cellulitis [Wells] |
M48.50XA |
Collapsed vertebra, not elsewhere classified, site unspecified, initial encounter for fracture |
M48.51XA |
Collapsed vertebra, not elsewhere classified, occipito-atlanto-axial region, initial encounter for fracture |
M48.52XA |
Collapsed vertebra, not elsewhere classified, cervical region, initial encounter for fracture |
M48.53XA |
Collapsed vertebra, not elsewhere classified, cervicothoracic region, initial encounter for fracture |
M48.54XA |
Collapsed vertebra, not elsewhere classified, thoracic region, initial encounter for fracture |
M48.55XA |
Collapsed vertebra, not elsewhere classified, thoracolumbar region, initial encounter for fracture |
M48.56XA |
Collapsed vertebra, not elsewhere classified, lumbar region, initial encounter for fracture |
M48.57XA |
Collapsed vertebra, not elsewhere classified, lumbosacral region, initial encounter for fracture |
M48.58XA |
Collapsed vertebra, not elsewhere classified, sacral and sacrococcygeal region, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.00XA |
Age-related osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, unspecified site, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.011A |
Age-related osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, right shoulder, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.012A |
Age-related osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, left shoulder, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.019A |
Age-related osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, unspecified shoulder, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.021A |
Age-related osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, right humerus, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.022A |
Age-related osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, left humerus, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.029A |
Age-related osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, unspecified humerus, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.031A |
Age-related osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, right forearm, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.032A |
Age-related osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, left forearm, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.039A |
Age-related osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, unspecified forearm, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.041A |
Age-related osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, right hand, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.042A |
Age-related osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, left hand, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.049A |
Age-related osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, unspecified hand, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.051A |
Age-related osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, right femur, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.052A |
Age-related osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, left femur, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.059A |
Age-related osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, unspecified femur, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.061A |
Age-related osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, right lower leg, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.062A |
Age-related osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, left lower leg, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.069A |
Age-related osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, unspecified lower leg, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.071A |
Age-related osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, right ankle and foot, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.072A |
Age-related osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, left ankle and foot, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.079A |
Age-related osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, unspecified ankle and foot, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.08XA |
Age-related osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, vertebra(e), initial encounter for fracture |
M80.0AXA |
Age-related osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, other site, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.80XA |
Other osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, unspecified site, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.811A |
Other osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, right shoulder, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.812A |
Other osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, left shoulder, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.819A |
Other osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, unspecified shoulder, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.821A |
Other osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, right humerus, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.822A |
Other osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, left humerus, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.829A |
Other osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, unspecified humerus, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.831A |
Other osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, right forearm, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.832A |
Other osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, left forearm, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.839A |
Other osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, unspecified forearm, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.841A |
Other osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, right hand, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.842A |
Other osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, left hand, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.849A |
Other osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, unspecified hand, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.851A |
Other osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, right femur, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.852A |
Other osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, left femur, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.859A |
Other osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, unspecified femur, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.861A |
Other osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, right lower leg, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.862A |
Other osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, left lower leg, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.869A |
Other osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, unspecified lower leg, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.871A |
Other osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, right ankle and foot, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.872A |
Other osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, left ankle and foot, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.879A |
Other osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, unspecified ankle and foot, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.88XA |
Other osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, vertebra(e), initial encounter for fracture |
M80.8AXA |
Other osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, other site, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.40XA |
Pathological fracture, unspecified site, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.411A |
Pathological fracture, right shoulder, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.412A |
Pathological fracture, left shoulder, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.419A |
Pathological fracture, unspecified shoulder, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.421A |
Pathological fracture, right humerus, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.422A |
Pathological fracture, left humerus, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.429A |
Pathological fracture, unspecified humerus, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.431A |
Pathological fracture, right ulna, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.432A |
Pathological fracture, left ulna, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.433A |
Pathological fracture, right radius, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.434A |
Pathological fracture, left radius, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.439A |
Pathological fracture, unspecified ulna and radius, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.441A |
Pathological fracture, right hand, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.442A |
Pathological fracture, left hand, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.443A |
Pathological fracture, unspecified hand, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.444A |
Pathological fracture, right finger(s), initial encounter for fracture |
M84.445A |
Pathological fracture, left finger(s), initial encounter for fracture |
M84.446A |
Pathological fracture, unspecified finger(s), initial encounter for fracture |
M84.451A |
Pathological fracture, right femur, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.452A |
Pathological fracture, left femur, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.453A |
Pathological fracture, unspecified femur, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.454A |
Pathological fracture, pelvis, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.459A |
Pathological fracture, hip, unspecified, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.461A |
Pathological fracture, right tibia, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.462A |
Pathological fracture, left tibia, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.463A |
Pathological fracture, right fibula, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.464A |
Pathological fracture, left fibula, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.469A |
Pathological fracture, unspecified tibia and fibula, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.471A |
Pathological fracture, right ankle, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.472A |
Pathological fracture, left ankle, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.473A |
Pathological fracture, unspecified ankle, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.474A |
Pathological fracture, right foot, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.475A |
Pathological fracture, left foot, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.476A |
Pathological fracture, unspecified foot, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.477A |
Pathological fracture, right toe(s), initial encounter for fracture |
M84.478A |
Pathological fracture, left toe(s), initial encounter for fracture |
M84.479A |
Pathological fracture, unspecified toe(s), initial encounter for fracture |
M84.48XA |
Pathological fracture, other site, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.50XA |
Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, unspecified site, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.511A |
Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, right shoulder, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.512A |
Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, left shoulder, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.519A |
Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, unspecified shoulder, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.521A |
Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, right humerus, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.522A |
Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, left humerus, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.529A |
Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, unspecified humerus, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.531A |
Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, right ulna, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.532A |
Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, left ulna, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.533A |
Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, right radius, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.534A |
Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, left radius, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.539A |
Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, unspecified ulna and radius, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.541A |
Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, right hand, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.542A |
Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, left hand, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.549A |
Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, unspecified hand, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.550A |
Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, pelvis, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.551A |
Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, right femur, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.552A |
Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, left femur, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.553A |
Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, unspecified femur, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.559A |
Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, hip, unspecified, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.561A |
Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, right tibia, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.562A |
Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, left tibia, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.563A |
Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, right fibula, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.564A |
Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, left fibula, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.569A |
Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, unspecified tibia and fibula, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.571A |
Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, right ankle, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.572A |
Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, left ankle, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.573A |
Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, unspecified ankle, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.574A |
Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, right foot, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.575A |
Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, left foot, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.576A |
Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, unspecified foot, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.58XA |
Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, other specified site, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.60XA |
Pathological fracture in other disease, unspecified site, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.611A |
Pathological fracture in other disease, right shoulder, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.612A |
Pathological fracture in other disease, left shoulder, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.619A |
Pathological fracture in other disease, unspecified shoulder, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.621A |
Pathological fracture in other disease, right humerus, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.622A |
Pathological fracture in other disease, left humerus, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.629A |
Pathological fracture in other disease, unspecified humerus, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.631A |
Pathological fracture in other disease, right ulna, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.632A |
Pathological fracture in other disease, left ulna, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.633A |
Pathological fracture in other disease, right radius, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.634A |
Pathological fracture in other disease, left radius, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.639A |
Pathological fracture in other disease, unspecified ulna and radius, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.641A |
Pathological fracture in other disease, right hand, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.642A |
Pathological fracture in other disease, left hand, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.649A |
Pathological fracture in other disease, unspecified hand, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.650A |
Pathological fracture in other disease, pelvis, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.651A |
Pathological fracture in other disease, right femur, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.652A |
Pathological fracture in other disease, left femur, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.653A |
Pathological fracture in other disease, unspecified femur, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.659A |
Pathological fracture in other disease, hip, unspecified, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.661A |
Pathological fracture in other disease, right tibia, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.662A |
Pathological fracture in other disease, left tibia, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.663A |
Pathological fracture in other disease, right fibula, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.664A |
Pathological fracture in other disease, left fibula, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.669A |
Pathological fracture in other disease, unspecified tibia and fibula, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.671A |
Pathological fracture in other disease, right ankle, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.672A |
Pathological fracture in other disease, left ankle, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.673A |
Pathological fracture in other disease, unspecified ankle, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.674A |
Pathological fracture in other disease, right foot, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.675A |
Pathological fracture in other disease, left foot, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.676A |
Pathological fracture in other disease, unspecified foot, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.68XA |
Pathological fracture in other disease, other site, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.750A |
Atypical femoral fracture, unspecified, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.751A |
Incomplete atypical femoral fracture, right leg, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.752A |
Incomplete atypical femoral fracture, left leg, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.753A |
Incomplete atypical femoral fracture, unspecified leg, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.754A |
Complete transverse atypical femoral fracture, right leg, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.755A |
Complete transverse atypical femoral fracture, left leg, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.756A |
Complete transverse atypical femoral fracture, unspecified leg, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.757A |
Complete oblique atypical femoral fracture, right leg, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.758A |
Complete oblique atypical femoral fracture, left leg, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.759A |
Complete oblique atypical femoral fracture, unspecified leg, initial encounter for fracture |
M96.820 |
Accidental puncture and laceration of a musculoskeletal structure during a musculoskeletal system procedure |
M96.821 |
Accidental puncture and laceration of a musculoskeletal structure during other procedure |
N00.0 |
Acute nephritic syndrome with minor glomerular abnormality |
N00.1 |
Acute nephritic syndrome with focal and segmental glomerular lesions |
N00.2 |
Acute nephritic syndrome with diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis |
N00.3 |
Acute nephritic syndrome with diffuse mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis |
N00.4 |
Acute nephritic syndrome with diffuse endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis |
N00.5 |
Acute nephritic syndrome with diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis |
N00.6 |
Acute nephritic syndrome with dense deposit disease |
N00.7 |
Acute nephritic syndrome with diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis |
N00.8 |
Acute nephritic syndrome with other morphologic changes |
N00.9 |
Acute nephritic syndrome with unspecified morphologic changes |
N00.A |
Acute nephritic syndrome with C3 glomerulonephritis |
N01.0 |
Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome with minor glomerular abnormality |
N01.1 |
Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome with focal and segmental glomerular lesions |
N01.2 |
Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome with diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis |
N01.3 |
Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome with diffuse mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis |
N01.4 |
Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome with diffuse endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis |
N01.5 |
Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome with diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis |
N01.6 |
Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome with dense deposit disease |
N01.7 |
Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome with diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis |
N01.8 |
Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome with other morphologic changes |
N01.9 |
Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome with unspecified morphologic changes |
N01.A |
Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome with C3 glomerulonephritis |
N10 |
Acute pyelonephritis |
N11.9 |
Chronic tubulo-interstitial nephritis, unspecified |
N12 |
Tubulo-interstitial nephritis, not specified as acute or chronic |
N13.0 |
Hydronephrosis with ureteropelvic junction obstruction |
N13.1 |
Hydronephrosis with ureteral stricture, not elsewhere classified |
N13.2 |
Hydronephrosis with renal and ureteral calculous obstruction |
N13.30 |
Unspecified hydronephrosis |
N13.39 |
Other hydronephrosis |
N13.4 |
Hydroureter |
N13.6 |
Pyonephrosis |
N13.9 |
Obstructive and reflux uropathy, unspecified |
N15.1 |
Renal and perinephric abscess |
N17.0 |
Acute kidney failure with tubular necrosis |
N17.1 |
Acute kidney failure with acute cortical necrosis |
N17.2 |
Acute kidney failure with medullary necrosis |
N17.8 |
Other acute kidney failure |
N17.9 |
Acute kidney failure, unspecified |
N28.84 |
Pyelitis cystica |
N28.85 |
Pyeloureteritis cystica |
N28.86 |
Ureteritis cystica |
N30.00 |
Acute cystitis without hematuria |
N30.01 |
Acute cystitis with hematuria |
N30.80 |
Other cystitis without hematuria |
N30.81 |
Other cystitis with hematuria |
N30.90 |
Cystitis, unspecified without hematuria |
N30.91 |
Cystitis, unspecified with hematuria |
N31.2 |
Flaccid neuropathic bladder, not elsewhere classified |
N32.0 |
Bladder-neck obstruction |
N32.1 |
Vesicointestinal fistula |
N32.2 |
Vesical fistula, not elsewhere classified |
N34.0 |
Urethral abscess |
N39.0 |
Urinary tract infection, site not specified |
N82.2 |
Fistula of vagina to small intestine |
N82.3 |
Fistula of vagina to large intestine |
N82.4 |
Other female intestinal-genital tract fistulae |
N82.8 |
Other female genital tract fistulae |
N83.7 |
Hematoma of broad ligament |
N98.0 |
Infection associated with artificial insemination |
N99.0 |
Postprocedural (acute) (chronic) kidney failure |
N99.520 |
Hemorrhage of incontinent external stoma of urinary tract |
N99.521 |
Infection of incontinent external stoma of urinary tract |
N99.522 |
Malfunction of incontinent external stoma of urinary tract |
N99.523 |
Herniation of incontinent stoma of urinary tract |
N99.524 |
Stenosis of incontinent stoma of urinary tract |
N99.528 |
Other complication of incontinent external stoma of urinary tract |
N99.530 |
Hemorrhage of continent stoma of urinary tract |
N99.531 |
Infection of continent stoma of urinary tract |
N99.532 |
Malfunction of continent stoma of urinary tract |
N99.533 |
Herniation of continent stoma of urinary tract |
N99.534 |
Stenosis of continent stoma of urinary tract |
N99.538 |
Other complication of continent stoma of urinary tract |
N99.71 |
Accidental puncture and laceration of a genitourinary system organ or structure during a genitourinary system procedure |
N99.72 |
Accidental puncture and laceration of a genitourinary system organ or structure during other procedure |
N99.81 |
Other intraoperative complications of genitourinary system |
N99.89 |
Other postprocedural complications and disorders of genitourinary system |
P91.2 |
Neonatal cerebral leukomalacia |
Q00.0 |
Anencephaly |
Q00.1 |
Craniorachischisis |
Q00.2 |
Iniencephaly |
Q01.0 |
Frontal encephalocele |
Q01.1 |
Nasofrontal encephalocele |
Q01.2 |
Occipital encephalocele |
Q01.8 |
Encephalocele of other sites |
Q01.9 |
Encephalocele, unspecified |
Q02 |
Microcephaly |
Q03.0 |
Malformations of aqueduct of Sylvius |
Q03.1 |
Atresia of foramina of Magendie and Luschka |
Q03.8 |
Other congenital hydrocephalus |
Q03.9 |
Congenital hydrocephalus, unspecified |
Q04.0 |
Congenital malformations of corpus callosum |
Q04.1 |
Arhinencephaly |
Q04.2 |
Holoprosencephaly |
Q04.3 |
Other reduction deformities of brain |
Q04.4 |
Septo-optic dysplasia of brain |
Q04.5 |
Megalencephaly |
Q04.6 |
Congenital cerebral cysts |
Q04.8 |
Other specified congenital malformations of brain |
Q04.9 |
Congenital malformation of brain, unspecified |
Q05.0 |
Cervical spina bifida with hydrocephalus |
Q05.1 |
Thoracic spina bifida with hydrocephalus |
Q05.2 |
Lumbar spina bifida with hydrocephalus |
Q05.3 |
Sacral spina bifida with hydrocephalus |
Q05.4 |
Unspecified spina bifida with hydrocephalus |
Q05.5 |
Cervical spina bifida without hydrocephalus |
Q05.6 |
Thoracic spina bifida without hydrocephalus |
Q05.7 |
Lumbar spina bifida without hydrocephalus |
Q05.8 |
Sacral spina bifida without hydrocephalus |
Q05.9 |
Spina bifida, unspecified |
Q06.0 |
Amyelia |
Q06.1 |
Hypoplasia and dysplasia of spinal cord |
Q06.2 |
Diastematomyelia |
Q06.3 |
Other congenital cauda equina malformations |
Q06.4 |
Hydromyelia |
Q06.8 |
Other specified congenital malformations of spinal cord |
Q06.9 |
Congenital malformation of spinal cord, unspecified |
Q07.00 |
Arnold-Chiari syndrome without spina bifida or hydrocephalus |
Q07.01 |
Arnold-Chiari syndrome with spina bifida |
Q07.02 |
Arnold-Chiari syndrome with hydrocephalus |
Q07.03 |
Arnold-Chiari syndrome with spina bifida and hydrocephalus |
Q07.8 |
Other specified congenital malformations of nervous system |
Q07.9 |
Congenital malformation of nervous system, unspecified |
Q21.0 |
Ventricular septal defect |
Q79.2 |
Exomphalos |
Q79.3 |
Gastroschisis |
Q89.4 |
Conjoined twins |
R00.0 |
Tachycardia, unspecified |
R09.2 |
Respiratory arrest |
R29.0 |
Tetany |
R31.0 |
Gross hematuria |
R31.1 |
Benign essential microscopic hematuria |
R31.21 |
Asymptomatic microscopic hematuria |
R31.29 |
Other microscopic hematuria |
R31.9 |
Hematuria, unspecified |
R33.0 |
Drug induced retention of urine |
R33.8 |
Other retention of urine |
R33.9 |
Retention of urine, unspecified |
R39.14 |
Feeling of incomplete bladder emptying |
R40.20 |
Unspecified coma |
R40.2110 |
Coma scale, eyes open, never, unspecified time |
R40.2111 |
Coma scale, eyes open, never, in the field [EMT or ambulance] |
R40.2112 |
Coma scale, eyes open, never, at arrival to emergency department |
R40.2113 |
Coma scale, eyes open, never, at hospital admission |
R40.2114 |
Coma scale, eyes open, never, 24 hours or more after hospital admission |
R40.2120 |
Coma scale, eyes open, to pain, unspecified time |
R40.2121 |
Coma scale, eyes open, to pain, in the field [EMT or ambulance] |
R40.2122 |
Coma scale, eyes open, to pain, at arrival to emergency department |
R40.2123 |
Coma scale, eyes open, to pain, at hospital admission |
R40.2124 |
Coma scale, eyes open, to pain, 24 hours or more after hospital admission |
R40.2210 |
Coma scale, best verbal response, none, unspecified time |
R40.2211 |
Coma scale, best verbal response, none, in the field [EMT or ambulance] |
R40.2212 |
Coma scale, best verbal response, none, at arrival to emergency department |
R40.2213 |
Coma scale, best verbal response, none, at hospital admission |
R40.2214 |
Coma scale, best verbal response, none, 24 hours or more after hospital admission |
R40.2220 |
Coma scale, best verbal response, incomprehensible words, unspecified time |
R40.2221 |
Coma scale, best verbal response, incomprehensible words, in the field [EMT or ambulance] |
R40.2222 |
Coma scale, best verbal response, incomprehensible words, at arrival to emergency department |
R40.2223 |
Coma scale, best verbal response, incomprehensible words, at hospital admission |
R40.2224 |
Coma scale, best verbal response, incomprehensible words, 24 hours or more after hospital admission |
R40.2310 |
Coma scale, best motor response, none, unspecified time |
R40.2311 |
Coma scale, best motor response, none, in the field [EMT or ambulance] |
R40.2312 |
Coma scale, best motor response, none, at arrival to emergency department |
R40.2313 |
Coma scale, best motor response, none, at hospital admission |
R40.2314 |
Coma scale, best motor response, none, 24 hours or more after hospital admission |
R40.2320 |
Coma scale, best motor response, extension, unspecified time |
R40.2321 |
Coma scale, best motor response, extension, in the field [EMT or ambulance] |
R40.2322 |
Coma scale, best motor response, extension, at arrival to emergency department |
R40.2323 |
Coma scale, best motor response, extension, at hospital admission |
R40.2324 |
Coma scale, best motor response, extension, 24 hours or more after hospital admission |
R40.2340 |
Coma scale, best motor response, flexion withdrawal, unspecified time |
R40.2341 |
Coma scale, best motor response, flexion withdrawal, in the field [EMT or ambulance] |
R40.2342 |
Coma scale, best motor response, flexion withdrawal, at arrival to emergency department |
R40.2343 |
Coma scale, best motor response, flexion withdrawal, at hospital admission |
R40.2344 |
Coma scale, best motor response, flexion withdrawal, 24 hours or more after hospital admission |
R40.2A |
Nontraumatic coma due to underlying condition |
R40.3 |
Persistent vegetative state |
R56.00 |
Simple febrile convulsions |
R56.9 |
Unspecified convulsions |
R57.9 |
Shock, unspecified |
R58 |
Hemorrhage, not elsewhere classified |
R78.81 |
Bacteremia |
R82.0 |
Chyluria |
S14.3XXA |
Injury of brachial plexus, initial encounter |
S15.001A |
Unspecified injury of right carotid artery, initial encounter |
S15.002A |
Unspecified injury of left carotid artery, initial encounter |
S15.009A |
Unspecified injury of unspecified carotid artery, initial encounter |
S15.011A |
Minor laceration of right carotid artery, initial encounter |
S15.012A |
Minor laceration of left carotid artery, initial encounter |
S15.019A |
Minor laceration of unspecified carotid artery, initial encounter |
S15.021A |
Major laceration of right carotid artery, initial encounter |
S15.022A |
Major laceration of left carotid artery, initial encounter |
S15.029A |
Major laceration of unspecified carotid artery, initial encounter |
S15.091A |
Other specified injury of right carotid artery, initial encounter |
S15.092A |
Other specified injury of left carotid artery, initial encounter |
S15.099A |
Other specified injury of unspecified carotid artery, initial encounter |
S15.201A |
Unspecified injury of right external jugular vein, initial encounter |
S15.202A |
Unspecified injury of left external jugular vein, initial encounter |
S15.209A |
Unspecified injury of unspecified external jugular vein, initial encounter |
S15.211A |
Minor laceration of right external jugular vein, initial encounter |
S15.212A |
Minor laceration of left external jugular vein, initial encounter |
S15.219A |
Minor laceration of unspecified external jugular vein, initial encounter |
S15.221A |
Major laceration of right external jugular vein, initial encounter |
S15.222A |
Major laceration of left external jugular vein, initial encounter |
S15.229A |
Major laceration of unspecified external jugular vein, initial encounter |
S15.291A |
Other specified injury of right external jugular vein, initial encounter |
S15.292A |
Other specified injury of left external jugular vein, initial encounter |
S15.299A |
Other specified injury of unspecified external jugular vein, initial encounter |
S15.301A |
Unspecified injury of right internal jugular vein, initial encounter |
S15.302A |
Unspecified injury of left internal jugular vein, initial encounter |
S15.309A |
Unspecified injury of unspecified internal jugular vein, initial encounter |
S15.311A |
Minor laceration of right internal jugular vein, initial encounter |
S15.312A |
Minor laceration of left internal jugular vein, initial encounter |
S15.319A |
Minor laceration of unspecified internal jugular vein, initial encounter |
S15.321A |
Major laceration of right internal jugular vein, initial encounter |
S15.322A |
Major laceration of left internal jugular vein, initial encounter |
S15.329A |
Major laceration of unspecified internal jugular vein, initial encounter |
S15.391A |
Other specified injury of right internal jugular vein, initial encounter |
S15.392A |
Other specified injury of left internal jugular vein, initial encounter |
S15.399A |
Other specified injury of unspecified internal jugular vein, initial encounter |
S25.00XA |
Unspecified injury of thoracic aorta, initial encounter |
S25.01XA |
Minor laceration of thoracic aorta, initial encounter |
S25.02XA |
Major laceration of thoracic aorta, initial encounter |
S25.09XA |
Other specified injury of thoracic aorta, initial encounter |
S25.101A |
Unspecified injury of right innominate or subclavian artery, initial encounter |
S25.102A |
Unspecified injury of left innominate or subclavian artery, initial encounter |
S25.109A |
Unspecified injury of unspecified innominate or subclavian artery, initial encounter |
S25.111A |
Minor laceration of right innominate or subclavian artery, initial encounter |
S25.112A |
Minor laceration of left innominate or subclavian artery, initial encounter |
S25.119A |
Minor laceration of unspecified innominate or subclavian artery, initial encounter |
S25.121A |
Major laceration of right innominate or subclavian artery, initial encounter |
S25.122A |
Major laceration of left innominate or subclavian artery, initial encounter |
S25.129A |
Major laceration of unspecified innominate or subclavian artery, initial encounter |
S25.191A |
Other specified injury of right innominate or subclavian artery, initial encounter |
S25.192A |
Other specified injury of left innominate or subclavian artery, initial encounter |
S25.199A |
Other specified injury of unspecified innominate or subclavian artery, initial encounter |
S25.20XA |
Unspecified injury of superior vena cava, initial encounter |
S25.21XA |
Minor laceration of superior vena cava, initial encounter |
S25.22XA |
Major laceration of superior vena cava, initial encounter |
S25.29XA |
Other specified injury of superior vena cava, initial encounter |
S25.301A |
Unspecified injury of right innominate or subclavian vein, initial encounter |
S25.302A |
Unspecified injury of left innominate or subclavian vein, initial encounter |
S25.309A |
Unspecified injury of unspecified innominate or subclavian vein, initial encounter |
S25.311A |
Minor laceration of right innominate or subclavian vein, initial encounter |
S25.312A |
Minor laceration of left innominate or subclavian vein, initial encounter |
S25.319A |
Minor laceration of unspecified innominate or subclavian vein, initial encounter |
S25.321A |
Major laceration of right innominate or subclavian vein, initial encounter |
S25.322A |
Major laceration of left innominate or subclavian vein, initial encounter |
S25.329A |
Major laceration of unspecified innominate or subclavian vein, initial encounter |
S25.391A |
Other specified injury of right innominate or subclavian vein, initial encounter |
S25.392A |
Other specified injury of left innominate or subclavian vein, initial encounter |
S25.399A |
Other specified injury of unspecified innominate or subclavian vein, initial encounter |
S25.401A |
Unspecified injury of right pulmonary blood vessels, initial encounter |
S25.402A |
Unspecified injury of left pulmonary blood vessels, initial encounter |
S25.409A |
Unspecified injury of unspecified pulmonary blood vessels, initial encounter |
S25.411A |
Minor laceration of right pulmonary blood vessels, initial encounter |
S25.412A |
Minor laceration of left pulmonary blood vessels, initial encounter |
S25.419A |
Minor laceration of unspecified pulmonary blood vessels, initial encounter |
S25.421A |
Major laceration of right pulmonary blood vessels, initial encounter |
S25.422A |
Major laceration of left pulmonary blood vessels, initial encounter |
S25.429A |
Major laceration of unspecified pulmonary blood vessels, initial encounter |
S25.491A |
Other specified injury of right pulmonary blood vessels, initial encounter |
S25.492A |
Other specified injury of left pulmonary blood vessels, initial encounter |
S25.499A |
Other specified injury of unspecified pulmonary blood vessels, initial encounter |
S27.0XXA |
Traumatic pneumothorax, initial encounter |
S27.1XXA |
Traumatic hemothorax, initial encounter |
S27.2XXA |
Traumatic hemopneumothorax, initial encounter |
S35.00XA |
Unspecified injury of abdominal aorta, initial encounter |
S35.01XA |
Minor laceration of abdominal aorta, initial encounter |
S35.02XA |
Major laceration of abdominal aorta, initial encounter |
S35.09XA |
Other injury of abdominal aorta, initial encounter |
S35.10XA |
Unspecified injury of inferior vena cava, initial encounter |
S35.11XA |
Minor laceration of inferior vena cava, initial encounter |
S35.12XA |
Major laceration of inferior vena cava, initial encounter |
S35.19XA |
Other injury of inferior vena cava, initial encounter |
S36.00XA |
Unspecified injury of spleen, initial encounter |
S36.020A |
Minor contusion of spleen, initial encounter |
S36.021A |
Major contusion of spleen, initial encounter |
S36.029A |
Unspecified contusion of spleen, initial encounter |
S36.030A |
Superficial (capsular) laceration of spleen, initial encounter |
S36.031A |
Moderate laceration of spleen, initial encounter |
S36.032A |
Major laceration of spleen, initial encounter |
S36.039A |
Unspecified laceration of spleen, initial encounter |
S36.09XA |
Other injury of spleen, initial encounter |
S72.001A |
Fracture of unspecified part of neck of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.001B |
Fracture of unspecified part of neck of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.001C |
Fracture of unspecified part of neck of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.002A |
Fracture of unspecified part of neck of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.002B |
Fracture of unspecified part of neck of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.002C |
Fracture of unspecified part of neck of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.009A |
Fracture of unspecified part of neck of unspecified femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.009B |
Fracture of unspecified part of neck of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.009C |
Fracture of unspecified part of neck of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.011A |
Unspecified intracapsular fracture of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.011B |
Unspecified intracapsular fracture of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.011C |
Unspecified intracapsular fracture of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.012A |
Unspecified intracapsular fracture of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.012B |
Unspecified intracapsular fracture of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.012C |
Unspecified intracapsular fracture of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.019A |
Unspecified intracapsular fracture of unspecified femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.019B |
Unspecified intracapsular fracture of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.019C |
Unspecified intracapsular fracture of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.021A |
Displaced fracture of epiphysis (separation) (upper) of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.021B |
Displaced fracture of epiphysis (separation) (upper) of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.021C |
Displaced fracture of epiphysis (separation) (upper) of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.022A |
Displaced fracture of epiphysis (separation) (upper) of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.022B |
Displaced fracture of epiphysis (separation) (upper) of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.022C |
Displaced fracture of epiphysis (separation) (upper) of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.023A |
Displaced fracture of epiphysis (separation) (upper) of unspecified femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.023B |
Displaced fracture of epiphysis (separation) (upper) of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.023C |
Displaced fracture of epiphysis (separation) (upper) of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.024A |
Nondisplaced fracture of epiphysis (separation) (upper) of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.024B |
Nondisplaced fracture of epiphysis (separation) (upper) of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.024C |
Nondisplaced fracture of epiphysis (separation) (upper) of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.025A |
Nondisplaced fracture of epiphysis (separation) (upper) of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.025B |
Nondisplaced fracture of epiphysis (separation) (upper) of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.025C |
Nondisplaced fracture of epiphysis (separation) (upper) of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.026A |
Nondisplaced fracture of epiphysis (separation) (upper) of unspecified femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.026B |
Nondisplaced fracture of epiphysis (separation) (upper) of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.026C |
Nondisplaced fracture of epiphysis (separation) (upper) of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.031A |
Displaced midcervical fracture of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.031B |
Displaced midcervical fracture of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.031C |
Displaced midcervical fracture of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.032A |
Displaced midcervical fracture of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.032B |
Displaced midcervical fracture of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.032C |
Displaced midcervical fracture of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.033A |
Displaced midcervical fracture of unspecified femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.033B |
Displaced midcervical fracture of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.033C |
Displaced midcervical fracture of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.034A |
Nondisplaced midcervical fracture of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.034B |
Nondisplaced midcervical fracture of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.034C |
Nondisplaced midcervical fracture of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.035A |
Nondisplaced midcervical fracture of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.035B |
Nondisplaced midcervical fracture of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.035C |
Nondisplaced midcervical fracture of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.036A |
Nondisplaced midcervical fracture of unspecified femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.036B |
Nondisplaced midcervical fracture of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.036C |
Nondisplaced midcervical fracture of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.041A |
Displaced fracture of base of neck of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.041B |
Displaced fracture of base of neck of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.041C |
Displaced fracture of base of neck of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.042A |
Displaced fracture of base of neck of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.042B |
Displaced fracture of base of neck of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.042C |
Displaced fracture of base of neck of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.043A |
Displaced fracture of base of neck of unspecified femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.043B |
Displaced fracture of base of neck of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.043C |
Displaced fracture of base of neck of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.044A |
Nondisplaced fracture of base of neck of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.044B |
Nondisplaced fracture of base of neck of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.044C |
Nondisplaced fracture of base of neck of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.045A |
Nondisplaced fracture of base of neck of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.045B |
Nondisplaced fracture of base of neck of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.045C |
Nondisplaced fracture of base of neck of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.046A |
Nondisplaced fracture of base of neck of unspecified femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.046B |
Nondisplaced fracture of base of neck of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.046C |
Nondisplaced fracture of base of neck of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.051A |
Unspecified fracture of head of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.051B |
Unspecified fracture of head of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.051C |
Unspecified fracture of head of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.052A |
Unspecified fracture of head of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.052B |
Unspecified fracture of head of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.052C |
Unspecified fracture of head of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.059A |
Unspecified fracture of head of unspecified femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.059B |
Unspecified fracture of head of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.059C |
Unspecified fracture of head of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.061A |
Displaced articular fracture of head of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.061B |
Displaced articular fracture of head of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.061C |
Displaced articular fracture of head of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.062A |
Displaced articular fracture of head of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.062B |
Displaced articular fracture of head of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.062C |
Displaced articular fracture of head of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.063A |
Displaced articular fracture of head of unspecified femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.063B |
Displaced articular fracture of head of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.063C |
Displaced articular fracture of head of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.064A |
Nondisplaced articular fracture of head of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.064B |
Nondisplaced articular fracture of head of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.064C |
Nondisplaced articular fracture of head of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.065A |
Nondisplaced articular fracture of head of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.065B |
Nondisplaced articular fracture of head of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.065C |
Nondisplaced articular fracture of head of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.066A |
Nondisplaced articular fracture of head of unspecified femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.066B |
Nondisplaced articular fracture of head of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.066C |
Nondisplaced articular fracture of head of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.091A |
Other fracture of head and neck of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.091B |
Other fracture of head and neck of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.091C |
Other fracture of head and neck of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.092A |
Other fracture of head and neck of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.092B |
Other fracture of head and neck of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.092C |
Other fracture of head and neck of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.099A |
Other fracture of head and neck of unspecified femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.099B |
Other fracture of head and neck of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.099C |
Other fracture of head and neck of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.101A |
Unspecified trochanteric fracture of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.101B |
Unspecified trochanteric fracture of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.101C |
Unspecified trochanteric fracture of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.102A |
Unspecified trochanteric fracture of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.102B |
Unspecified trochanteric fracture of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.102C |
Unspecified trochanteric fracture of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.109A |
Unspecified trochanteric fracture of unspecified femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.109B |
Unspecified trochanteric fracture of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.109C |
Unspecified trochanteric fracture of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.111A |
Displaced fracture of greater trochanter of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.111B |
Displaced fracture of greater trochanter of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.111C |
Displaced fracture of greater trochanter of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.112A |
Displaced fracture of greater trochanter of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.112B |
Displaced fracture of greater trochanter of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.112C |
Displaced fracture of greater trochanter of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.113A |
Displaced fracture of greater trochanter of unspecified femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.113B |
Displaced fracture of greater trochanter of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.113C |
Displaced fracture of greater trochanter of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.114A |
Nondisplaced fracture of greater trochanter of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.114B |
Nondisplaced fracture of greater trochanter of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.114C |
Nondisplaced fracture of greater trochanter of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.115A |
Nondisplaced fracture of greater trochanter of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.115B |
Nondisplaced fracture of greater trochanter of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.115C |
Nondisplaced fracture of greater trochanter of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.116A |
Nondisplaced fracture of greater trochanter of unspecified femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.116B |
Nondisplaced fracture of greater trochanter of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.116C |
Nondisplaced fracture of greater trochanter of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.121A |
Displaced fracture of lesser trochanter of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.121B |
Displaced fracture of lesser trochanter of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.121C |
Displaced fracture of lesser trochanter of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.122A |
Displaced fracture of lesser trochanter of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.122B |
Displaced fracture of lesser trochanter of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.122C |
Displaced fracture of lesser trochanter of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.123A |
Displaced fracture of lesser trochanter of unspecified femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.123B |
Displaced fracture of lesser trochanter of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.123C |
Displaced fracture of lesser trochanter of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.124A |
Nondisplaced fracture of lesser trochanter of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.124B |
Nondisplaced fracture of lesser trochanter of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.124C |
Nondisplaced fracture of lesser trochanter of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.125A |
Nondisplaced fracture of lesser trochanter of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.125B |
Nondisplaced fracture of lesser trochanter of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.125C |
Nondisplaced fracture of lesser trochanter of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.126A |
Nondisplaced fracture of lesser trochanter of unspecified femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.126B |
Nondisplaced fracture of lesser trochanter of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.126C |
Nondisplaced fracture of lesser trochanter of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.131A |
Displaced apophyseal fracture of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.131B |
Displaced apophyseal fracture of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.131C |
Displaced apophyseal fracture of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.132A |
Displaced apophyseal fracture of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.132B |
Displaced apophyseal fracture of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.132C |
Displaced apophyseal fracture of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.133A |
Displaced apophyseal fracture of unspecified femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.133B |
Displaced apophyseal fracture of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.133C |
Displaced apophyseal fracture of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.134A |
Nondisplaced apophyseal fracture of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.134B |
Nondisplaced apophyseal fracture of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.134C |
Nondisplaced apophyseal fracture of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.135A |
Nondisplaced apophyseal fracture of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.135B |
Nondisplaced apophyseal fracture of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.135C |
Nondisplaced apophyseal fracture of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.136A |
Nondisplaced apophyseal fracture of unspecified femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.136B |
Nondisplaced apophyseal fracture of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.136C |
Nondisplaced apophyseal fracture of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.141A |
Displaced intertrochanteric fracture of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.141B |
Displaced intertrochanteric fracture of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.141C |
Displaced intertrochanteric fracture of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.142A |
Displaced intertrochanteric fracture of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.142B |
Displaced intertrochanteric fracture of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.142C |
Displaced intertrochanteric fracture of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.143A |
Displaced intertrochanteric fracture of unspecified femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.143B |
Displaced intertrochanteric fracture of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.143C |
Displaced intertrochanteric fracture of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.144A |
Nondisplaced intertrochanteric fracture of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.144B |
Nondisplaced intertrochanteric fracture of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.144C |
Nondisplaced intertrochanteric fracture of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.145A |
Nondisplaced intertrochanteric fracture of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.145B |
Nondisplaced intertrochanteric fracture of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.145C |
Nondisplaced intertrochanteric fracture of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.146A |
Nondisplaced intertrochanteric fracture of unspecified femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.146B |
Nondisplaced intertrochanteric fracture of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.146C |
Nondisplaced intertrochanteric fracture of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.21XA |
Displaced subtrochanteric fracture of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.21XB |
Displaced subtrochanteric fracture of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.21XC |
Displaced subtrochanteric fracture of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.22XA |
Displaced subtrochanteric fracture of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.22XB |
Displaced subtrochanteric fracture of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.22XC |
Displaced subtrochanteric fracture of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.23XA |
Displaced subtrochanteric fracture of unspecified femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.23XB |
Displaced subtrochanteric fracture of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.23XC |
Displaced subtrochanteric fracture of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.24XA |
Nondisplaced subtrochanteric fracture of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.24XB |
Nondisplaced subtrochanteric fracture of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.24XC |
Nondisplaced subtrochanteric fracture of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.25XA |
Nondisplaced subtrochanteric fracture of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.25XB |
Nondisplaced subtrochanteric fracture of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.25XC |
Nondisplaced subtrochanteric fracture of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.26XA |
Nondisplaced subtrochanteric fracture of unspecified femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.26XB |
Nondisplaced subtrochanteric fracture of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.26XC |
Nondisplaced subtrochanteric fracture of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.301A |
Unspecified fracture of shaft of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.301B |
Unspecified fracture of shaft of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.301C |
Unspecified fracture of shaft of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.302A |
Unspecified fracture of shaft of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.302B |
Unspecified fracture of shaft of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.302C |
Unspecified fracture of shaft of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.309A |
Unspecified fracture of shaft of unspecified femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.309B |
Unspecified fracture of shaft of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.309C |
Unspecified fracture of shaft of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.321A |
Displaced transverse fracture of shaft of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.321B |
Displaced transverse fracture of shaft of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.321C |
Displaced transverse fracture of shaft of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.322A |
Displaced transverse fracture of shaft of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.322B |
Displaced transverse fracture of shaft of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.322C |
Displaced transverse fracture of shaft of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.323A |
Displaced transverse fracture of shaft of unspecified femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.323B |
Displaced transverse fracture of shaft of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.323C |
Displaced transverse fracture of shaft of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.324A |
Nondisplaced transverse fracture of shaft of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.324B |
Nondisplaced transverse fracture of shaft of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.324C |
Nondisplaced transverse fracture of shaft of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.325A |
Nondisplaced transverse fracture of shaft of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.325B |
Nondisplaced transverse fracture of shaft of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.325C |
Nondisplaced transverse fracture of shaft of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.326A |
Nondisplaced transverse fracture of shaft of unspecified femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.326B |
Nondisplaced transverse fracture of shaft of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.326C |
Nondisplaced transverse fracture of shaft of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.331A |
Displaced oblique fracture of shaft of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.331B |
Displaced oblique fracture of shaft of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.331C |
Displaced oblique fracture of shaft of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.332A |
Displaced oblique fracture of shaft of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.332B |
Displaced oblique fracture of shaft of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.332C |
Displaced oblique fracture of shaft of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.333A |
Displaced oblique fracture of shaft of unspecified femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.333B |
Displaced oblique fracture of shaft of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.333C |
Displaced oblique fracture of shaft of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.334A |
Nondisplaced oblique fracture of shaft of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.334B |
Nondisplaced oblique fracture of shaft of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.334C |
Nondisplaced oblique fracture of shaft of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.335A |
Nondisplaced oblique fracture of shaft of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.335B |
Nondisplaced oblique fracture of shaft of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.335C |
Nondisplaced oblique fracture of shaft of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.336A |
Nondisplaced oblique fracture of shaft of unspecified femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.336B |
Nondisplaced oblique fracture of shaft of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.336C |
Nondisplaced oblique fracture of shaft of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.341A |
Displaced spiral fracture of shaft of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.341B |
Displaced spiral fracture of shaft of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.341C |
Displaced spiral fracture of shaft of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.342A |
Displaced spiral fracture of shaft of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.342B |
Displaced spiral fracture of shaft of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.342C |
Displaced spiral fracture of shaft of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.343A |
Displaced spiral fracture of shaft of unspecified femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.343B |
Displaced spiral fracture of shaft of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.343C |
Displaced spiral fracture of shaft of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.344A |
Nondisplaced spiral fracture of shaft of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.344B |
Nondisplaced spiral fracture of shaft of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.344C |
Nondisplaced spiral fracture of shaft of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.345A |
Nondisplaced spiral fracture of shaft of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.345B |
Nondisplaced spiral fracture of shaft of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.345C |
Nondisplaced spiral fracture of shaft of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.346A |
Nondisplaced spiral fracture of shaft of unspecified femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.346B |
Nondisplaced spiral fracture of shaft of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.346C |
Nondisplaced spiral fracture of shaft of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.351A |
Displaced comminuted fracture of shaft of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.351B |
Displaced comminuted fracture of shaft of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.351C |
Displaced comminuted fracture of shaft of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.352A |
Displaced comminuted fracture of shaft of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.352B |
Displaced comminuted fracture of shaft of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.352C |
Displaced comminuted fracture of shaft of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.353A |
Displaced comminuted fracture of shaft of unspecified femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.353B |
Displaced comminuted fracture of shaft of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.353C |
Displaced comminuted fracture of shaft of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.354A |
Nondisplaced comminuted fracture of shaft of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.354B |
Nondisplaced comminuted fracture of shaft of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.354C |
Nondisplaced comminuted fracture of shaft of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.355A |
Nondisplaced comminuted fracture of shaft of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.355B |
Nondisplaced comminuted fracture of shaft of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.355C |
Nondisplaced comminuted fracture of shaft of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.356A |
Nondisplaced comminuted fracture of shaft of unspecified femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.356B |
Nondisplaced comminuted fracture of shaft of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.356C |
Nondisplaced comminuted fracture of shaft of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.361A |
Displaced segmental fracture of shaft of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.361B |
Displaced segmental fracture of shaft of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.361C |
Displaced segmental fracture of shaft of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.362A |
Displaced segmental fracture of shaft of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.362B |
Displaced segmental fracture of shaft of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.362C |
Displaced segmental fracture of shaft of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.363A |
Displaced segmental fracture of shaft of unspecified femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.363B |
Displaced segmental fracture of shaft of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.363C |
Displaced segmental fracture of shaft of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.364A |
Nondisplaced segmental fracture of shaft of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.364B |
Nondisplaced segmental fracture of shaft of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.364C |
Nondisplaced segmental fracture of shaft of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.365A |
Nondisplaced segmental fracture of shaft of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.365B |
Nondisplaced segmental fracture of shaft of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.365C |
Nondisplaced segmental fracture of shaft of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.366A |
Nondisplaced segmental fracture of shaft of unspecified femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.366B |
Nondisplaced segmental fracture of shaft of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.366C |
Nondisplaced segmental fracture of shaft of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.391A |
Other fracture of shaft of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.391B |
Other fracture of shaft of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.391C |
Other fracture of shaft of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.392A |
Other fracture of shaft of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.392B |
Other fracture of shaft of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.392C |
Other fracture of shaft of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.399A |
Other fracture of shaft of unspecified femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.399B |
Other fracture of shaft of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.399C |
Other fracture of shaft of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.8X1A |
Other fracture of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.8X1B |
Other fracture of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.8X1C |
Other fracture of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.8X2A |
Other fracture of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.8X2B |
Other fracture of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.8X2C |
Other fracture of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.8X9A |
Other fracture of unspecified femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.8X9B |
Other fracture of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.8X9C |
Other fracture of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.90XA |
Unspecified fracture of unspecified femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.90XB |
Unspecified fracture of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.90XC |
Unspecified fracture of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.91XA |
Unspecified fracture of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.91XB |
Unspecified fracture of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.91XC |
Unspecified fracture of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S72.92XA |
Unspecified fracture of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.92XB |
Unspecified fracture of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II |
S72.92XC |
Unspecified fracture of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC |
S79.001A |
Unspecified physeal fracture of upper end of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S79.002A |
Unspecified physeal fracture of upper end of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S79.009A |
Unspecified physeal fracture of upper end of unspecified femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S79.011A |
Salter-Harris Type I physeal fracture of upper end of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S79.012A |
Salter-Harris Type I physeal fracture of upper end of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S79.019A |
Salter-Harris Type I physeal fracture of upper end of unspecified femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S79.091A |
Other physeal fracture of upper end of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S79.092A |
Other physeal fracture of upper end of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S79.099A |
Other physeal fracture of upper end of unspecified femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
T36.0X5A |
Adverse effect of penicillins, initial encounter |
T36.1X5A |
Adverse effect of cephalosporins and other beta-lactam antibiotics, initial encounter |
T36.2X5A |
Adverse effect of chloramphenicol group, initial encounter |
T36.3X5A |
Adverse effect of macrolides, initial encounter |
T36.4X5A |
Adverse effect of tetracyclines, initial encounter |
T36.5X5A |
Adverse effect of aminoglycosides, initial encounter |
T36.6X5A |
Adverse effect of rifampicins, initial encounter |
T36.7X5A |
Adverse effect of antifungal antibiotics, systemically used, initial encounter |
T36.8X5A |
Adverse effect of other systemic antibiotics, initial encounter |
T36.95XA |
Adverse effect of unspecified systemic antibiotic, initial encounter |
T37.0X5A |
Adverse effect of sulfonamides, initial encounter |
T37.1X5A |
Adverse effect of antimycobacterial drugs, initial encounter |
T37.2X5A |
Adverse effect of antimalarials and drugs acting on other blood protozoa, initial encounter |
T37.3X5A |
Adverse effect of other antiprotozoal drugs, initial encounter |
T37.4X5A |
Adverse effect of anthelminthics, initial encounter |
T37.5X5A |
Adverse effect of antiviral drugs, initial encounter |
T37.8X5A |
Adverse effect of other specified systemic anti-infectives and antiparasitics, initial encounter |
T37.95XA |
Adverse effect of unspecified systemic anti-infective and antiparasitic, initial encounter |
T38.0X5A |
Adverse effect of glucocorticoids and synthetic analogues, initial encounter |
T38.1X5A |
Adverse effect of thyroid hormones and substitutes, initial encounter |
T38.2X5A |
Adverse effect of antithyroid drugs, initial encounter |
T38.3X5A |
Adverse effect of insulin and oral hypoglycemic [antidiabetic] drugs, initial encounter |
T38.4X5A |
Adverse effect of oral contraceptives, initial encounter |
T38.5X5A |
Adverse effect of other estrogens and progestogens, initial encounter |
T38.6X5A |
Adverse effect of antigonadotrophins, antiestrogens, antiandrogens, not elsewhere classified, initial encounter |
T38.7X5A |
Adverse effect of androgens and anabolic congeners, initial encounter |
T38.805A |
Adverse effect of unspecified hormones and synthetic substitutes, initial encounter |
T38.815A |
Adverse effect of anterior pituitary [adenohypophyseal] hormones, initial encounter |
T38.895A |
Adverse effect of other hormones and synthetic substitutes, initial encounter |
T38.905A |
Adverse effect of unspecified hormone antagonists, initial encounter |
T38.995A |
Adverse effect of other hormone antagonists, initial encounter |
T39.015A |
Adverse effect of aspirin, initial encounter |
T39.095A |
Adverse effect of salicylates, initial encounter |
T39.1X5A |
Adverse effect of 4-Aminophenol derivatives, initial encounter |
T39.2X5A |
Adverse effect of pyrazolone derivatives, initial encounter |
T39.315A |
Adverse effect of propionic acid derivatives, initial encounter |
T39.395A |
Adverse effect of other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs [NSAID], initial encounter |
T39.4X5A |
Adverse effect of antirheumatics, not elsewhere classified, initial encounter |
T39.8X5A |
Adverse effect of other nonopioid analgesics and antipyretics, not elsewhere classified, initial encounter |
T39.95XA |
Adverse effect of unspecified nonopioid analgesic, antipyretic and antirheumatic, initial encounter |
T40.0X5A |
Adverse effect of opium, initial encounter |
T40.2X5A |
Adverse effect of other opioids, initial encounter |
T40.3X5A |
Adverse effect of methadone, initial encounter |
T40.415A |
Adverse effect of fentanyl or fentanyl analogs, initial encounter |
T40.425A |
Adverse effect of tramadol, initial encounter |
T40.495A |
Adverse effect of other synthetic narcotics, initial encounter |
T40.5X5A |
Adverse effect of cocaine, initial encounter |
T40.605A |
Adverse effect of unspecified narcotics, initial encounter |
T40.695A |
Adverse effect of other narcotics, initial encounter |
T40.715A |
Adverse effect of cannabis, initial encounter |
T40.725A |
Adverse effect of synthetic cannabinoids, initial encounter |
T40.905A |
Adverse effect of unspecified psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], initial encounter |
T40.995A |
Adverse effect of other psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], initial encounter |
T41.0X5A |
Adverse effect of inhaled anesthetics, initial encounter |
T41.1X5A |
Adverse effect of intravenous anesthetics, initial encounter |
T41.205A |
Adverse effect of unspecified general anesthetics, initial encounter |
T41.295A |
Adverse effect of other general anesthetics, initial encounter |
T41.3X5A |
Adverse effect of local anesthetics, initial encounter |
T41.45XA |
Adverse effect of unspecified anesthetic, initial encounter |
T41.5X5A |
Adverse effect of therapeutic gases, initial encounter |
T42.0X5A |
Adverse effect of hydantoin derivatives, initial encounter |
T42.1X5A |
Adverse effect of iminostilbenes, initial encounter |
T42.2X5A |
Adverse effect of succinimides and oxazolidinediones, initial encounter |
T42.3X5A |
Adverse effect of barbiturates, initial encounter |
T42.4X5A |
Adverse effect of benzodiazepines, initial encounter |
T42.5X5A |
Adverse effect of mixed antiepileptics, initial encounter |
T42.6X5A |
Adverse effect of other antiepileptic and sedative-hypnotic drugs, initial encounter |
T42.75XA |
Adverse effect of unspecified antiepileptic and sedative-hypnotic drugs, initial encounter |
T42.8X5A |
Adverse effect of antiparkinsonism drugs and other central muscle-tone depressants, initial encounter |
T43.015A |
Adverse effect of tricyclic antidepressants, initial encounter |
T43.025A |
Adverse effect of tetracyclic antidepressants, initial encounter |
T43.1X5A |
Adverse effect of monoamine-oxidase-inhibitor antidepressants, initial encounter |
T43.205A |
Adverse effect of unspecified antidepressants, initial encounter |
T43.215A |
Adverse effect of selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, initial encounter |
T43.225A |
Adverse effect of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, initial encounter |
T43.295A |
Adverse effect of other antidepressants, initial encounter |
T43.3X5A |
Adverse effect of phenothiazine antipsychotics and neuroleptics, initial encounter |
T43.4X5A |
Adverse effect of butyrophenone and thiothixene neuroleptics, initial encounter |
T43.505A |
Adverse effect of unspecified antipsychotics and neuroleptics, initial encounter |
T43.595A |
Adverse effect of other antipsychotics and neuroleptics, initial encounter |
T43.605A |
Adverse effect of unspecified psychostimulants, initial encounter |
T43.615A |
Adverse effect of caffeine, initial encounter |
T43.625A |
Adverse effect of amphetamines, initial encounter |
T43.635A |
Adverse effect of methylphenidate, initial encounter |
T43.655A |
Adverse effect of methamphetamines, initial encounter |
T43.695A |
Adverse effect of other psychostimulants, initial encounter |
T43.8X5A |
Adverse effect of other psychotropic drugs, initial encounter |
T43.95XA |
Adverse effect of unspecified psychotropic drug, initial encounter |
T44.0X5A |
Adverse effect of anticholinesterase agents, initial encounter |
T44.1X5A |
Adverse effect of other parasympathomimetics [cholinergics], initial encounter |
T44.2X5A |
Adverse effect of ganglionic blocking drugs, initial encounter |
T44.3X5A |
Adverse effect of other parasympatholytics [anticholinergics and antimuscarinics] and spasmolytics, initial encounter |
T44.4X5A |
Adverse effect of predominantly alpha-adrenoreceptor agonists, initial encounter |
T44.5X5A |
Adverse effect of predominantly beta-adrenoreceptor agonists, initial encounter |
T44.6X5A |
Adverse effect of alpha-adrenoreceptor antagonists, initial encounter |
T44.7X5A |
Adverse effect of beta-adrenoreceptor antagonists, initial encounter |
T44.8X5A |
Adverse effect of centrally-acting and adrenergic-neuron-blocking agents, initial encounter |
T44.905A |
Adverse effect of unspecified drugs primarily affecting the autonomic nervous system, initial encounter |
T44.995A |
Adverse effect of other drug primarily affecting the autonomic nervous system, initial encounter |
T45.0X5A |
Adverse effect of antiallergic and antiemetic drugs, initial encounter |
T45.1X5A |
Adverse effect of antineoplastic and immunosuppressive drugs, initial encounter |
T45.2X5A |
Adverse effect of vitamins, initial encounter |
T45.3X5A |
Adverse effect of enzymes, initial encounter |
T45.4X5A |
Adverse effect of iron and its compounds, initial encounter |
T45.515A |
Adverse effect of anticoagulants, initial encounter |
T45.525A |
Adverse effect of antithrombotic drugs, initial encounter |
T45.605A |
Adverse effect of unspecified fibrinolysis-affecting drugs, initial encounter |
T45.615A |
Adverse effect of thrombolytic drugs, initial encounter |
T45.625A |
Adverse effect of hemostatic drug, initial encounter |
T45.695A |
Adverse effect of other fibrinolysis-affecting drugs, initial encounter |
T45.7X5A |
Adverse effect of anticoagulant antagonists, vitamin K and other coagulants, initial encounter |
T45.8X5A |
Adverse effect of other primarily systemic and hematological agents, initial encounter |
T45.95XA |
Adverse effect of unspecified primarily systemic and hematological agent, initial encounter |
T46.0X5A |
Adverse effect of cardiac-stimulant glycosides and drugs of similar action, initial encounter |
T46.1X5A |
Adverse effect of calcium-channel blockers, initial encounter |
T46.2X5A |
Adverse effect of other antidysrhythmic drugs, initial encounter |
T46.3X5A |
Adverse effect of coronary vasodilators, initial encounter |
T46.4X5A |
Adverse effect of angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors, initial encounter |
T46.5X5A |
Adverse effect of other antihypertensive drugs, initial encounter |
T46.6X5A |
Adverse effect of antihyperlipidemic and antiarteriosclerotic drugs, initial encounter |
T46.7X5A |
Adverse effect of peripheral vasodilators, initial encounter |
T46.8X5A |
Adverse effect of antivaricose drugs, including sclerosing agents, initial encounter |
T46.905A |
Adverse effect of unspecified agents primarily affecting the cardiovascular system, initial encounter |
T46.995A |
Adverse effect of other agents primarily affecting the cardiovascular system, initial encounter |
T47.0X5A |
Adverse effect of histamine H2-receptor blockers, initial encounter |
T47.1X5A |
Adverse effect of other antacids and anti-gastric-secretion drugs, initial encounter |
T47.2X5A |
Adverse effect of stimulant laxatives, initial encounter |
T47.3X5A |
Adverse effect of saline and osmotic laxatives, initial encounter |
T47.4X5A |
Adverse effect of other laxatives, initial encounter |
T47.5X5A |
Adverse effect of digestants, initial encounter |
T47.6X5A |
Adverse effect of antidiarrheal drugs, initial encounter |
T47.7X5A |
Adverse effect of emetics, initial encounter |
T47.8X5A |
Adverse effect of other agents primarily affecting gastrointestinal system, initial encounter |
T47.95XA |
Adverse effect of unspecified agents primarily affecting the gastrointestinal system, initial encounter |
T48.0X5A |
Adverse effect of oxytocic drugs, initial encounter |
T48.1X5A |
Adverse effect of skeletal muscle relaxants [neuromuscular blocking agents], initial encounter |
T48.205A |
Adverse effect of unspecified drugs acting on muscles, initial encounter |
T48.295A |
Adverse effect of other drugs acting on muscles, initial encounter |
T48.3X5A |
Adverse effect of antitussives, initial encounter |
T48.4X5A |
Adverse effect of expectorants, initial encounter |
T48.5X5A |
Adverse effect of other anti-common-cold drugs, initial encounter |
T48.6X5A |
Adverse effect of antiasthmatics, initial encounter |
T48.905A |
Adverse effect of unspecified agents primarily acting on the respiratory system, initial encounter |
T48.995A |
Adverse effect of other agents primarily acting on the respiratory system, initial encounter |
T49.0X5A |
Adverse effect of local antifungal, anti-infective and anti-inflammatory drugs, initial encounter |
T49.1X5A |
Adverse effect of antipruritics, initial encounter |
T49.2X5A |
Adverse effect of local astringents and local detergents, initial encounter |
T49.3X5A |
Adverse effect of emollients, demulcents and protectants, initial encounter |
T49.4X5A |
Adverse effect of keratolytics, keratoplastics, and other hair treatment drugs and preparations, initial encounter |
T49.5X5A |
Adverse effect of ophthalmological drugs and preparations, initial encounter |
T49.6X5A |
Adverse effect of otorhinolaryngological drugs and preparations, initial encounter |
T49.7X5A |
Adverse effect of dental drugs, topically applied, initial encounter |
T49.8X5A |
Adverse effect of other topical agents, initial encounter |
T49.95XA |
Adverse effect of unspecified topical agent, initial encounter |
T50.0X5A |
Adverse effect of mineralocorticoids and their antagonists, initial encounter |
T50.1X5A |
Adverse effect of loop [high-ceiling] diuretics, initial encounter |
T50.2X5A |
Adverse effect of carbonic-anhydrase inhibitors, benzothiadiazides and other diuretics, initial encounter |
T50.3X5A |
Adverse effect of electrolytic, caloric and water-balance agents, initial encounter |
T50.4X5A |
Adverse effect of drugs affecting uric acid metabolism, initial encounter |
T50.5X5A |
Adverse effect of appetite depressants, initial encounter |
T50.6X5A |
Adverse effect of antidotes and chelating agents, initial encounter |
T50.7X5A |
Adverse effect of analeptics and opioid receptor antagonists, initial encounter |
T50.8X5A |
Adverse effect of diagnostic agents, initial encounter |
T50.905A |
Adverse effect of unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, initial encounter |
T50.915A |
Adverse effect of multiple unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, initial encounter |
T50.995A |
Adverse effect of other drugs, medicaments and biological substances, initial encounter |
T50.A15A |
Adverse effect of pertussis vaccine, including combinations with a pertussis component, initial encounter |
T50.A25A |
Adverse effect of mixed bacterial vaccines without a pertussis component, initial encounter |
T50.A95A |
Adverse effect of other bacterial vaccines, initial encounter |
T50.B15A |
Adverse effect of smallpox vaccines, initial encounter |
T50.B95A |
Adverse effect of other viral vaccines, initial encounter |
T50.Z15A |
Adverse effect of immunoglobulin, initial encounter |
T50.Z95A |
Adverse effect of other vaccines and biological substances, initial encounter |
T78.41XA |
Arthus phenomenon, initial encounter |
T79.0XXA |
Air embolism (traumatic), initial encounter |
T79.1XXA |
Fat embolism (traumatic), initial encounter |
T79.2XXA |
Traumatic secondary and recurrent hemorrhage and seroma, initial encounter |
T79.4XXA |
Traumatic shock, initial encounter |
T79.5XXA |
Traumatic anuria, initial encounter |
T79.7XXA |
Traumatic subcutaneous emphysema, initial encounter |
T80.0XXA |
Air embolism following infusion, transfusion and therapeutic injection, initial encounter |
T80.1XXA |
Vascular complications following infusion, transfusion and therapeutic injection, initial encounter |
T80.22XA |
Acute infection following transfusion, infusion, or injection of blood and blood products, initial encounter |
T80.29XA |
Infection following other infusion, transfusion and therapeutic injection, initial encounter |
T80.30XA |
ABO incompatibility reaction due to transfusion of blood or blood products, unspecified, initial encounter |
T80.310A |
ABO incompatibility with acute hemolytic transfusion reaction, initial encounter |
T80.311A |
ABO incompatibility with delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction, initial encounter |
T80.319A |
ABO incompatibility with hemolytic transfusion reaction, unspecified, initial encounter |
T80.39XA |
Other ABO incompatibility reaction due to transfusion of blood or blood products, initial encounter |
T80.40XA |
Rh incompatibility reaction due to transfusion of blood or blood products, unspecified, initial encounter |
T80.410A |
Rh incompatibility with acute hemolytic transfusion reaction, initial encounter |
T80.411A |
Rh incompatibility with delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction, initial encounter |
T80.419A |
Rh incompatibility with hemolytic transfusion reaction, unspecified, initial encounter |
T80.49XA |
Other Rh incompatibility reaction due to transfusion of blood or blood products, initial encounter |
T80.51XA |
Anaphylactic reaction due to administration of blood and blood products, initial encounter |
T80.52XA |
Anaphylactic reaction due to vaccination, initial encounter |
T80.59XA |
Anaphylactic reaction due to other serum, initial encounter |
T80.61XA |
Other serum reaction due to administration of blood and blood products, initial encounter |
T80.62XA |
Other serum reaction due to vaccination, initial encounter |
T80.69XA |
Other serum reaction due to other serum, initial encounter |
T80.810A |
Extravasation of vesicant antineoplastic chemotherapy, initial encounter |
T80.818A |
Extravasation of other vesicant agent, initial encounter |
T80.82XA |
Complication of immune effector cellular therapy, initial encounter |
T80.89XA |
Other complications following infusion, transfusion and therapeutic injection, initial encounter |
T80.90XA |
Unspecified complication following infusion and therapeutic injection, initial encounter |
T80.910A |
Acute hemolytic transfusion reaction, unspecified incompatibility, initial encounter |
T80.911A |
Delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction, unspecified incompatibility, initial encounter |
T80.919A |
Hemolytic transfusion reaction, unspecified incompatibility, unspecified as acute or delayed, initial encounter |
T80.92XA |
Unspecified transfusion reaction, initial encounter |
T80.A0XA |
Non-ABO incompatibility reaction due to transfusion of blood or blood products, unspecified, initial encounter |
T80.A10A |
Non-ABO incompatibility with acute hemolytic transfusion reaction, initial encounter |
T80.A11A |
Non-ABO incompatibility with delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction, initial encounter |
T80.A19A |
Non-ABO incompatibility with hemolytic transfusion reaction, unspecified, initial encounter |
T80.A9XA |
Other non-ABO incompatibility reaction due to transfusion of blood or blood products, initial encounter |
T81.10XA |
Postprocedural shock unspecified, initial encounter |
T81.11XA |
Postprocedural cardiogenic shock, initial encounter |
T81.12XA |
Postprocedural septic shock, initial encounter |
T81.19XA |
Other postprocedural shock, initial encounter |
T81.40XA |
Infection following a procedure, unspecified, initial encounter |
T81.41XA |
Infection following a procedure, superficial incisional surgical site, initial encounter |
T81.42XA |
Infection following a procedure, deep incisional surgical site, initial encounter |
T81.43XA |
Infection following a procedure, organ and space surgical site, initial encounter |
T81.44XA |
Sepsis following a procedure, initial encounter |
T81.49XA |
Infection following a procedure, other surgical site, initial encounter |
T81.500A |
Unspecified complication of foreign body accidentally left in body following surgical operation, initial encounter |
T81.501A |
Unspecified complication of foreign body accidentally left in body following infusion or transfusion, initial encounter |
T81.502A |
Unspecified complication of foreign body accidentally left in body following kidney dialysis, initial encounter |
T81.503A |
Unspecified complication of foreign body accidentally left in body following injection or immunization, initial encounter |
T81.504A |
Unspecified complication of foreign body accidentally left in body following endoscopic examination, initial encounter |
T81.505A |
Unspecified complication of foreign body accidentally left in body following heart catheterization, initial encounter |
T81.506A |
Unspecified complication of foreign body accidentally left in body following aspiration, puncture or other catheterization, initial encounter |
T81.507A |
Unspecified complication of foreign body accidentally left in body following removal of catheter or packing, initial encounter |
T81.508A |
Unspecified complication of foreign body accidentally left in body following other procedure, initial encounter |
T81.509A |
Unspecified complication of foreign body accidentally left in body following unspecified procedure, initial encounter |
T81.510A |
Adhesions due to foreign body accidentally left in body following surgical operation, initial encounter |
T81.511A |
Adhesions due to foreign body accidentally left in body following infusion or transfusion, initial encounter |
T81.512A |
Adhesions due to foreign body accidentally left in body following kidney dialysis, initial encounter |
T81.513A |
Adhesions due to foreign body accidentally left in body following injection or immunization, initial encounter |
T81.514A |
Adhesions due to foreign body accidentally left in body following endoscopic examination, initial encounter |
T81.515A |
Adhesions due to foreign body accidentally left in body following heart catheterization, initial encounter |
T81.516A |
Adhesions due to foreign body accidentally left in body following aspiration, puncture or other catheterization, initial encounter |
T81.517A |
Adhesions due to foreign body accidentally left in body following removal of catheter or packing, initial encounter |
T81.518A |
Adhesions due to foreign body accidentally left in body following other procedure, initial encounter |
T81.519A |
Adhesions due to foreign body accidentally left in body following unspecified procedure, initial encounter |
T81.520A |
Obstruction due to foreign body accidentally left in body following surgical operation, initial encounter |
T81.521A |
Obstruction due to foreign body accidentally left in body following infusion or transfusion, initial encounter |
T81.522A |
Obstruction due to foreign body accidentally left in body following kidney dialysis, initial encounter |
T81.523A |
Obstruction due to foreign body accidentally left in body following injection or immunization, initial encounter |
T81.524A |
Obstruction due to foreign body accidentally left in body following endoscopic examination, initial encounter |
T81.525A |
Obstruction due to foreign body accidentally left in body following heart catheterization, initial encounter |
T81.526A |
Obstruction due to foreign body accidentally left in body following aspiration, puncture or other catheterization, initial encounter |
T81.527A |
Obstruction due to foreign body accidentally left in body following removal of catheter or packing, initial encounter |
T81.528A |
Obstruction due to foreign body accidentally left in body following other procedure, initial encounter |
T81.529A |
Obstruction due to foreign body accidentally left in body following unspecified procedure, initial encounter |
T81.530A |
Perforation due to foreign body accidentally left in body following surgical operation, initial encounter |
T81.531A |
Perforation due to foreign body accidentally left in body following infusion or transfusion, initial encounter |
T81.532A |
Perforation due to foreign body accidentally left in body following kidney dialysis, initial encounter |
T81.533A |
Perforation due to foreign body accidentally left in body following injection or immunization, initial encounter |
T81.534A |
Perforation due to foreign body accidentally left in body following endoscopic examination, initial encounter |
T81.535A |
Perforation due to foreign body accidentally left in body following heart catheterization, initial encounter |
T81.536A |
Perforation due to foreign body accidentally left in body following aspiration, puncture or other catheterization, initial encounter |
T81.537A |
Perforation due to foreign body accidentally left in body following removal of catheter or packing, initial encounter |
T81.538A |
Perforation due to foreign body accidentally left in body following other procedure, initial encounter |
T81.539A |
Perforation due to foreign body accidentally left in body following unspecified procedure, initial encounter |
T81.590A |
Other complications of foreign body accidentally left in body following surgical operation, initial encounter |
T81.591A |
Other complications of foreign body accidentally left in body following infusion or transfusion, initial encounter |
T81.592A |
Other complications of foreign body accidentally left in body following kidney dialysis, initial encounter |
T81.593A |
Other complications of foreign body accidentally left in body following injection or immunization, initial encounter |
T81.594A |
Other complications of foreign body accidentally left in body following endoscopic examination, initial encounter |
T81.595A |
Other complications of foreign body accidentally left in body following heart catheterization, initial encounter |
T81.596A |
Other complications of foreign body accidentally left in body following aspiration, puncture or other catheterization, initial encounter |
T81.597A |
Other complications of foreign body accidentally left in body following removal of catheter or packing, initial encounter |
T81.598A |
Other complications of foreign body accidentally left in body following other procedure, initial encounter |
T81.599A |
Other complications of foreign body accidentally left in body following unspecified procedure, initial encounter |
T81.60XA |
Unspecified acute reaction to foreign substance accidentally left during a procedure, initial encounter |
T81.61XA |
Aseptic peritonitis due to foreign substance accidentally left during a procedure, initial encounter |
T81.69XA |
Other acute reaction to foreign substance accidentally left during a procedure, initial encounter |
T81.710A |
Complication of mesenteric artery following a procedure, not elsewhere classified, initial encounter |
T81.711A |
Complication of renal artery following a procedure, not elsewhere classified, initial encounter |
T81.718A |
Complication of other artery following a procedure, not elsewhere classified, initial encounter |
T81.719A |
Complication of unspecified artery following a procedure, not elsewhere classified, initial encounter |
T81.72XA |
Complication of vein following a procedure, not elsewhere classified, initial encounter |
T81.83XA |
Persistent postprocedural fistula, initial encounter |
T81.9XXA |
Unspecified complication of procedure, initial encounter |
T88.0XXA |
Infection following immunization, initial encounter |
T88.2XXA |
Shock due to anesthesia, initial encounter |
T88.53XA |
Unintended awareness under general anesthesia during procedure, initial encounter |
T88.59XA |
Other complications of anesthesia, initial encounter |
U07.1 |
COVID-19 |
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MS-DRG rules and ICD-10 CM/PCS codes are automatically parsed from CMS's MS-DRG data files. All content is provided strictly “AS IS” and may contain parsing errors. If you spot an error, please let us know.
We have converted the MS-DRG logic into fully structured, machine-readable data. If you need structured data versions of the MS-DRG manuals, we would love to talk with you.