MDC 05 Diseases and disorders of the circulatory system is broken down into subgroups, listed here from most to least resource intensive. If a patient received qualifying treatment in listed in more than one subgroup, the first one listed will determine the DRG assigned to the patient.

To determine if a patient qualifies for a subgroup, click on the subgroup name and check the requirements listed. Typically, each subgroup requires one of a serious of ICD-10-CM diagnostic codes or PCS codes to have been assigned to the patient.

To qualify for any subsection in this MDC, the patient's primary diagnostic code must be included in this list.

Aortic Valve Procedures Mitral Valve Procedures Concomitant Valve Procedures DRG Name Type

Patients who qualify for Other cardiothoracic procedures will be grouped into a DRG according to the logic below. View detailed requirements for qualifying for the DRGs in this subsection.

All patients who qualify for the subsection AICD lead procedures will be automatically grouped into DRG 265 - AICD LEAD PROCEDURES.

View the requirements to qualify for this subsection.

Patients who qualify for Other vascular procedures will be grouped into a DRG according to the logic below. View detailed requirements for qualifying for the DRGs in this subsection.

Patients who qualify for Cardiac pacemaker device replacement will be grouped into a DRG according to the logic below. View detailed requirements for qualifying for the DRGs in this subsection.

Patients who qualify for Acute and subacute endocarditis will be grouped into a DRG according to the logic below. View detailed requirements for qualifying for the DRGs in this subsection.

Patients who qualify for Heart failure and shock will be grouped into a DRG according to the logic below. View detailed requirements for qualifying for the DRGs in this subsection.

Patients who qualify for Deep vein thrombophlebitis will be grouped into a DRG according to the logic below. View detailed requirements for qualifying for the DRGs in this subsection.

Patients who qualify for Cardiac arrest, unexplained will be grouped into a DRG according to the logic below. View detailed requirements for qualifying for the DRGs in this subsection.

Patients who qualify for Peripheral vascular disorders will be grouped into a DRG according to the logic below. View detailed requirements for qualifying for the DRGs in this subsection.

Patients who qualify for Atherosclerosis will be grouped into a DRG according to the logic below. View detailed requirements for qualifying for the DRGs in this subsection.

Patients who qualify for Hypertension will be grouped into a DRG according to the logic below. View detailed requirements for qualifying for the DRGs in this subsection.

All patients who qualify for the subsection Angina pectoris will be automatically grouped into DRG 311 - ANGINA PECTORIS.

View the requirements to qualify for this subsection.

All patients who qualify for the subsection Syncope and collapse will be automatically grouped into DRG 312 - SYNCOPE AND COLLAPSE.

View the requirements to qualify for this subsection.

All patients who qualify for the subsection Chest pain will be automatically grouped into DRG 313 - CHEST PAIN.

View the requirements to qualify for this subsection.

DRG Name Type
313 CHEST PAIN Medical

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